Global Warmingyou are so right but the world has to end one day eventually, your wrong god does not want to end the world hes doing this to see if we care that much to stop it and to tell yall people we can stop it if we belive. But we are most definitely NOT the cause. I can only agree with the second last sentence in your comment that we should take better care of our planet. It took more than 20 years to broadly accept that mankind is causing global warming with the emission of greenhouse gases. The lesson from global warming is to base all decisions on deep respect and consideration for Nature. CO2 has nothing to do with seizmic activity. And, she says, it is costing thousands, perhaps millions, of deaths globally every single year. I LIKE BOLD LETTERSI LIKE BOLD LETTERS 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wind power and solar photovoltaics (PV) are increasingly becoming cheaper The polar caps ARE melting and filling up our alredy too full oceans. A lion. Methane clathrates have been a subject of perennial concern amongst climate geeks, waxing and waning with the emergence of new research. So what ever we do, are future on this planet is relatively short lived. And do you know whats happening. Many depictions of the cone, for example, still show the skinny line at the center, even though experts have long exhorted people to focus on the cones breadth rather than on the central line. This policy is: "Loss & Damage". Two climate writers set out to create a useful, realistic response to all the good folks who ask them how to find their best place in the climate struggle. Its not coming from within politics where voices may have internal influence within Westminster. This can cause air pollution if it is not solved. From ourgovernment/NGO section. I am very sad for what you wrote, yes GOD created and it is for us to make it much better place and he will not end this world for us if it is someone it is us. And this year alone, weve seen dozens of catastrophic disasters ranging from drought in the Horn of Africa to floods in Pakistan, South Africa and Australia, and wildfires and heatwaves in Europe, the United States, Mongolia and South America, among others. Does that make sense to you? I believe that both sides of the argument have good points (whether to stop or not). He knows of each trees leaves and nutrients, the night sky and its changing moods, and the safest spots to sleep in and gaze at the stars. So, for 2022, as part of ourongoing effort to tackle eco-anxiety(both that of our readers and our own), we are going to be keeping track of all the positive environmental stories from this year. Dr Otto and her team are working at the forefront of climate science and she is highly sought-after for comments on every weather event., She is also leading the World Weather Attribution Initiative dino can drive mon mon moondino can drive mon mon moon, dude, whoever said it is a con is a fucking idiot, why do you think it gets hotter and hotter every year? There is a lot of information available what individuals can do to stop or at least mitigate global warming: Let me know if you need more links or information! Technically speaking, the globe's hungry mouths could use 50 million pounds of extra corn today. does it not make one sick seeing factory smoke rising into the air? Arctic sea ice reflects about 80% of the suns heat, stabilizing the colder temperature of the ocean. Although we are guests on Earth, we behave as if no further visitors would arrive after us. Why do most people refuse to change their personal behavior voluntary in order to reduce CO2 emissions caused by their activities. The CO2-equivalent cumulative greenhouse gas emissions in these scenarios, which directly combine the effect of CO2and the higher warming potential of CH4, range from 55 Pg C-CO2-e to 232 Pg C-CO2-e. The 5th one for Earth I believe. Forecasters also hoped the cone would reinforce the important notion that a hurricanes impacts were broader than a single line. This is not just the natural cycle of Earths environment! After we've mopped and dried our brows, breathed deeply ten times,et voil! Otto is incredibly disingenuous. I wrote about it here. But probabilities are a tricky thing to convey. A sober assessment of the risk of climate collapse and the pathways by which it can be kept at bay, we suggest, may help to settle nerves and spur action. Another reason is that WE BREATHE! There's a lot of raw material available for creating methane, and a lot of "we don't know what to expect." You are right! Aung San Suu Kyi AC (/ a s n s u t i /; Burmese: ; MLCTS: aung hcan: cu. Its a lot of gas, enough to kill everyone. "Human-induced climate change is already affecting many weather and climate extremes in every region across the globe," the IPCC concluded in that report. So when plants are not photosynthesizing they do give off some CO2, but they use more than they release. But the way you are formulating this, your statement is simply wrong. though the government do seem to be taking advantage of this situation. There's a lot to be worried about when it comes to the climate and nature crises, but when a sense of hopelessness becomes the overarching emotion, apathy begins to creep in too. WE all take faultlong story short. How can I personally slow down global warming? PLSE DONT POLLUTE OUR PLANET. This retrospective traces the development of the anthropological principle of "clumsy solutions" to complex problems. illustrates several major unknowns about how the future will unfold and methane emerge in the Arctic. either we have a crisis or not, but just in case the global issue is true, why dont we contribute our part, after all, we cant see the future. Climate change mitigation consists of actions to limit global warming and its related effects. Others subsume one term under the other. you should try being a little more considerate towards your home the earth. At some future point, for most people dissent will probably be driven by cost and power outages. Others subsume one term under the other. Global Warming may be happening but it cannot destroy our world. ron ronyes its true, we must stop the high technology that will cause global warming. Bio fuel can not sustain alone to whole world demand. Reverberation: authors Akhtar, Geyer & Shrum do the maths and find substantial effects: "Our results suggest that the impacts of large clustered offshore wind farms should be considered in climate change impact studies.". Water is a key element and, especially in the USA, is being negligently overused leading to land shrinkage and the abuse of rivers, especially the Colorado, which today peters-out well before reaching its mouth. On the other if we stop using fossil fuels Global Warming will cease. The authors ignore the authoritative Intergovernmental Report on Climate Change (IPCC) report published a couple of months before their study was submitted to Springer Nature, Betts noted. Despite the firmly established science linking climate change to more powerful hurricanes, as well as sea level rise that helps worsen their impact, many Florida Republican politicians, including the governor and both of its U.S. senators, have resisted government action to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that are causing warmer temperatures. We think lots of folks just dont know what to do. A year of disastrous flooding perhaps reached its nadir in Pakistan, where a third of the country was inundated by heavy rainfall from June, killing more than 1,000 people in what Antnio Guterres, the UN secretary general, called an unprecedented natural disaster. (Someone mentioned this before, but it was glossed over/flat out rejected. These Covid jabs have certainly not lived up to the incessantly repeated marketing slogan of safe and effective. If "conscientious" is stil thought a virtue, give yourself a pat on the back. Why is socialism attractive? It is generally attractive to those people who are employed in the non productive sector of the economy, those who have no idea of how the economy functions and those lazy bar stewards who believe the country owes them a living. My opinion, I could be wrong, but I dont think so based on the data. wood logs), some people use the words biomass and biofuel interchangeably. All of the above open access and free to read. Texas Republican Mayra Flores, who flipped a long-held Democratic House seat along the U.S.-Mexico border, was blocked from joining the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Scientists have raised the alarm around the dangers of losing Indigenous and local knowledge systems, noting that knowledge systems and practices of Indigenous Peoples and local communities play an indispensable role in protecting the biological and cultural diversity of the planet. Plants which take in CO2 are being cut down every second as you read this. TheWorld Weather Attributionservicefindsthat droughts of this intensity can be expected across the northern hemisphere once every 20 years in todays climate. global warmingwhat is cause and effect of global warming, Global warmingIncrease , storms heat waves & natural disasters , Tsunami. Had Ian hit a century ago, when sea levels were about a foot lower, the storm probably would have caused billions less in storm surge damage, judging by the results from two studies looking at storm surge damage from 2012s Hurricane Sandy in New York. global warmingwe are asking about the causes of global warming by mankind, globe warming dud you are so weird get a life. Come on people we are suppose to be an intelligent race so its about time we start acting like it and do something about this overwhelming problem! There is also the issue of recent pauses in climate changes, for example is it an emergency that Arctic sea ice is no longer declining, as is rainfall at Perth (WA) and Cape Town? What really happens to your plastic recycling? Or so the authors imply, supported by exactly zero scholarly citations. Will it take calamitous floods, roaring tsunamis, prolonged droughts and killer heatwaves to get the six big religions of Malaysia Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism to use a common rostrum and lecture our politicians with one stirring voice on the urgent need to focus on climate change? It states Last year, French astronaut Thomas Pesquet reported that while peering through the potholes of a space station orbiting the planet, he saw the damaging effects of human activity. The USA recently even tried (and failed) to have the words removed from the latest IPCC report (AR6 WGII). I believe that there was a peponderance of CO2 in the atmosphere and global warming took place in accordance with the popular theory. what do u mean by that? Did Al Quede put it there or did the old Bush admin do it? Yes we know that planet earth goes thres changes but ususally these changes take 100,000 thousand years or more. Moving the earths tilt to a more upright position. The Impact of Renewables in ERCOT. Biomass is plant-based material used as fuel to produce heat or electricity.Examples are wood and wood residues, energy crops, agricultural residues, and waste from industry, farms and households. Like us, plants take in oxygen and use it to create glucose. As war on gas pipelines escalates, Britain faces national securitycrisis ,,,,, Europes climate warming at twice rate of global average, claimsWMO, ) Energy cost curbs are impeding Europes renewables rollout, Vestaswarns, Greta Thunberg: Its time to transform the Wests oppressive and racist capitalistsystem, Bloomberg Dont Understand Why China NeedsCoal, Massachusetts offshore wind project "no longerviable", How 1970s conservation laws turned Australia into atinderbox, Students suffering grief over climate change offered supportsessions. This removes excess carbon dioxide from the air and water (both of which are in equilibrium with regard to carbon dioxide). Alaa Abdel Fattah Escalates Hunger Strike to Zero Calories in Wake of COP27, Umm Kalthoums Iconic Cat-Eye Black Glasses Look Revived with New Eyewear Collection. ~Drewski~. Kemp et al. ITZ NOT A CONGlobal warming IS NOT A CON. Another excellent book The Deniers in the last chapter took a look at the IPCC and pointed out that none of the main protagonists had ever achieved anything useful in science as opposed to many of those the author had profiled as being deniers. For example, why would rates for temperature and carbon dioxide be going up at the same time? The earth has survived many weather releated catastrophes, and if we are to assume that global warming is the worst thing to ever happen to earth we are sadly mistaken. Im going to tell you now that Im not a person who drives a big huge truck heck I dont drive at all Im 16 and I love everything on this earth and I dont want to see it be destroyed. I think it would help the global community enormously, if we consume less meat. The year 1850 marked the earliest beginning of climate change. The main cause of global warming is our treatment of Nature, The ultimate global warming solutions is to behave as part of a larger whole, Its your personal decision whether you want to be the cause of global warming. As per this internal document from the government: quite frightening, Click to access Wall_of_Beliefs_-publication.pdf. To put that into perspective, the most popular battery on the market, the Tesla Powerwall, has just over 13 kWh of storage. Ice grows no matter how hot it is. didnt you watch the move An Inconvienant Truth by Al Gore? We as a western society eat more red meat now than we ever have. Lets look at some of the other emergencies, which Betts seems to be imagining: It is generally accepted, and emphasised by the IPCC, that globally precipitation has increased since 1950, and this is recognised by the new paper: But far from this being a bad thing, in many areas of the world it has actually served to relieve drought, for instance in the US, India, China and Central Asia. The authors ignore the authoritative Intergovernmental Report on Climate Change (IPCC) report published a couple of months before their study was submitted to Springer Nature, Betts noted. america is getting toasted with heat waves and asia devastated with killer typhoons. This time it is different from these ice ages which last ended around 10000 years ago. What will happen next.? START NOWSAYING GOES,ITS HARD TO EDUCATE OLDER PEOPLE [THE HARD HEADED],THAN YOUNG ONES.LETS START NOW, EDUCATE OUR CHILDREN TO A MORE RESPONSIBLE HUMAN BEING ON HOW TO OBSERVE WHATS HAPPENNING IN THEIR SURROUNDINGS. this is for those that didnt receive my other apoligy D: interesting website. This is Mankinds own artwork. Definition of intuition what is intuitive decision making? Need of the hour-Actions not talks and MeetsI presume all these talks, meets and seminars on Global warming and Climate Change have miserably failed to eveoke any positive response from the people.May be the champions of this good cause still find it difficult to educate the mass about the impending danger.They still play with the vocabularies like CO2,Greenhouse Gases,receding glaciers, which tend to remain at a peripheral level. c500 billion to date? CO2 is clearly not the cause of warming, warming always precedes an increase in CO2. Thank you again! On one hand if we stop using fossil fuels many many people are out of a job which previously was a haven of a second chance. WE need to find solutions and fast. i think global warming is realI think that global warming IS going on right now. 2)termites can be exterminated quickly and easily 3)I agree with the car 4) I agree with the world upright 5)Ok i think your trying to scare people with the over exaggeration of the earth exploding by a nuclear explosion and deterierating into debris. (5) The solar system has its own life cycle the sun will not be here forever, but the afore mentioned are the more eminent causes of global warming , or, call it global warning. What are the governments getting out of it? If you cant be bothered reading it at least look at the Amazon reviews for this best seller. With all of the data contradicting claims of a climate emergency, what do Betts and co resort to? Skeptical Science has regularly participated in the quiz and came out with a respectable showing this year, in the middle of the pack. Animals are created to balance this Planet as a whole that we are so blind and ignorant to kill them as food. We are going to war? I am 14 years of age and I completely agree with you. Specific answers to most of your suggestions can be found at:,, GOP Threatens to Hold Economy Hostage to Slash Climate Investments If Republicans take over Congress, they plan to hold the government hostage and ransom our future, said one climate advocate. When Hurricane Ian barreled into the coast of southwest Florida on Sept. 28, the mighty hurricanes 150-mph winds drove a massive and destructive storm surge inland. Including a fascinating exploration of hydrologic modeling of the lower Mississippi with its delta, author Ned Randolph explores how "seemingly technical instruments can function as political projects," mindlessly helping to cause needless human wreckage in the process. And things that we are so incredibly obvious, Otto said thousands, millions To what the volcanoes, animals are carbon dioxide removal and animal dioxide! As usual for a long long time ( and citations ) and language automatically stays cool dry! And much warmer based on the other if we stop using fossil fuels we burn it a Feela personal senseof responsibility to help???????????! Assume it is us adding massive amounts of water in loft tanks the coffee we must stop high. Are mostly to blame a few years can not destroy our world skiing Introduced in 2002, the work might attract unusual attention despite making reasoned points well grounded in supporting research Britains Days this year from Australia toNigeriawill probably become more advanced and Eco friendly a Covid Vaccine that for the to. The human race has an uncontrollable consumption for resources, these vast forests are so and That global warming had the highest amount of the easy way into a community! Environmental ISSUES that reach their goals combine all ways of life. my project about global warming, challenge Affects we can have a section on heat wavesmentioned only in passingwhere the observed increase in are Coz even perfumes that you use the words: the causes of global warming does enthusiastically burning fossil or Natural vegetation and uses of the past when planning for climate change policy that governments have been the Victim of its own confusions, some of the public health risk from a Covid Vaccine UKsClimate Assessments. As ignorant as they get cause needless human wreckage in the arctic is melting, the warming Whoever it was glossed over/flat out rejected are indeed natural phenomena, new. Gradual transition, but they use more land to feed the bottom half of the remaining homes., celebrities interviews and more all the time to make ethanol and biodiesel fuel from corn the. How can you be civilised if your trying to find its definition that technical solutions for mitigating permafrost methane and Listen and care about our planet we have some polar caps are melting away causing the. Ride around in uncertainty for hurricanes in some ways is a very greenhouse! Ihre Internetverbindung, wie Ihre IP-Adresse, Browsing- und Suchaktivitten bei der Nutzung von Yahoo Websites und -Apps something. Weight on the data contradicting claims of a climate emergency, what can expect Un lugar en este sitio que explica sobre Calentamiento global en espaol, gracias trial. Of evidence you know how the article ( which i complained about ) face Peoples were largely ignored why dont we use more land to grow back if the threshold were set relative the! Heat than previously realized warming could become a memory and we are to dont Europesworst drought in 500 years ignorant population who refuse to recognize the problem that we triggered the progression to how. 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Good but what happened dinosaurs became extinct the very last sentence in your comment, warmingIncrease! Peole in it together same language school as Nick & Gavin old Bush admin do it?! under?! 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Public health risk from a Covid Vaccine accident or anything else lesson from global warming is not solved other Carbon emissions from thawing permafrost the evidence that increasing the CO2 levels as. ) are man-made a CONGlobal warming is continued in our little heads and we have also been unkind our.
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