As you may know from my previous article, How the Sacred Lovers Within Play a Crucial Role in Your Life, the central function of our feminine nature is to open, receive, and travel into the inner world of feelings and emotions. There are going to be times when you need to be tough. In many ways, thats what has changed most of all, and something which should be celebrated. Toxic femininity is an abuse of that power, in which hotness is maximized, and victim status is then claimed when straight men dont treat them as peers. The survivor of a traumatic childhood, Salander is an androgynous, introverted and asocial computer hacker with a sadistic appetite for vengeance. But, in order to feel more love, we must also feel more pain - we must feel everything. Here are some suggestions for how to do that: This article is Part 4 in a 4-part series on the shadow. And wisdom. Connect more deeply with your body. Therapeutically, healing the Wounded Feminine means taking the time to engage with the voice of your soul and listening to your dreams and imagery. This is a protective mechanism we have developed as a fear response, which makes it so that we will feel less as we experience the world through the lens of the small "i", our ego self. The Natural woman is embedded in her souls unique beauty and presence. For example, some Jungian theorists identify consciousness as masculine, the unconscious as feminine. This is slightly different from maternal, but the two do work together well and are both feminine traits we often hear about. That you are doing it! The ability to be kind to those who deserve it. We can even present this perfect mask to others by emulating the qualities that we would love to embody, but underneath the surface of appearances there will be an energy that doesnt completely match our words; because our mask isnt an accurate representation of where we truly are at. The masculine and feminine have both abused their creative power and their sexual energy for thousands of years by turning this planet into something more like a prison; the feminine had become more sophisticated in her techniques as a survival mechanism and men being the more easy-to-spot tyrants. The shadow is also known as our subconscious mindwe cannot see it clearly, which means we are not fully aware of it. She Is obsessed by her make-up, hair and the latest trends. This emotional black swamp is painful, even excruciating. For the Divine Energy to be able to form life, it needs a set of traits. I have played the priestess, the prostitute, the b*tch, and the princess who played off being the victim. D) cultural influences on personality development. As usual, I want to remind you that while some fragments of your shadow inner feminine might be acting out in circumscribed triggered areas, you might have a completely healthy and functional inner feminine in other areas of your life. When we are in fight or flight; this is when we know the toxic masculine/toxic feminine frequencies are most likely ready to come out and play. 8. B) lasted only a few minutes. In this case, the need to bond is so great that it puts you in an unsafe position as you seek intimacy before you really know if the other person is trustworthy. In keeping with the modern classification of archetypes offered by psychoanalysts, I have decided to retain the 12 major archetypes readers may be more familiar with. Laura listened to my journey that led me to the place I am presently in and ultimately brought me to her for our session. B) Break the habit of enmeshing. When we shine our light on these aspects of ourselves, we have the opportunity to rewire ourselves into a new way of being. It literally sent a jolt through my body.). . Our sexual energy is our most precious energy. Were all different and on some days we might feel like being less empathic and kind than others! If men and women face together each of us our inner demons, or faults and defects to put it another way, we can find the real meaning of love. Femininity is about flow, and movement is what allows the expression of that flow. Tightly. This is, A Tarot Spread for Samhain Women are naturally nurturing and want others to do well. If you realize you are enmeshed, do not withdraw; instead, take a step backphysically or figurativelyand stand your ground. I also believe the end game to empowerment is to findtrue eternal power a power (which, if it is authentic) will have zero desire for seeking revenge and gaining control over others for She is an internal state of strength; a strength that knows vulnerability, empathy, and how to speak up for truth because she is grounded inLOVE. Her blog, The Seasonal Soul, explores simple, meaningful ways to connect with the seasons to evolve your Soul. And sacred. The Shadow The shadow is an archetype that consists of the sex and life instincts. And that she is here to teach me humility. It doesnt matter what it is, as long as you externalize your emotions through movement. It holds theparts of yourselfyou think arent good enough. The distorted feminine is unable to connect to her inherent beauty and measures her value through her outward appearance. js = d.createElement(s); = id;
We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. While theres no denying the catastrophic effects of toxic masculinity throughout history, the rampant propaganda and distortion in mainstream feminism have made it hard to take seriously in recent times. But again, that doesnt mean putting yourself last. In contrast with the rigidified inner feminine who rejects and deflects what is offered to her, the all-devouring inner feminine sucks in compliments, attention, energy, and love, but does not have the capacity to digest what she receivesso she continually demands more and more. C) influence of learning on personality development. Cultivate your intuition This nurturing power is able to melt any tension in our body (oxytocin, hugs, orgasm) and can heal any "evil" on the planet (darkness is due to lack of Love frequency). You can compare her to someone who is obesely overweight while paradoxically starving from lack of nutrients. And this sense of freedom will allow you to feel more you than you ever have felt. Get the very best of LovePanky straight to your inbox! Make a note of the points and ideas that resonate with you. Take a morsel of food and chew it thoroughly, tasting it in all its textures and flavors. She has suffered soul loss and fragmentation. Go there when you're feeling out of sync and in need of revitalization. About 70% of them are due to our genetics and hormones and other 30% are there because of our upbringing and life conditions. Shadow Work Journal: 240 Daily Shadow Work Prompts contains inner work exercises related to relationships, anger, anxiety, self-love, healing trauma, abandonment issues, depression, forgiveness, etc. When her ability to receive is impaired or distorted, the inner feminine becomes destructive in two different ways: One is when the inner feminine becomes rigid, and her receptive function closes off, leading to the rigidified shadow inner feminine. As soon as you realize that someone wants to leave and you are finding excuses, or conjuring up some reason to detain them because you feel anxiety and want to hold on to them, let them go immediately with blessings and appreciation in your heart. To the outside observer she may be viewed as exemplar of modern-day feminism and a promoter of sexual equality. We no longer need to identify as a specific gender and can simply be ourselves. Or mother is very distant from the father and seeks the male companionship from the son - stunting the son . Now I feel true calm and peace that I haven't experienced since I was in my early 20s. That bite from your dog or the sick cat in your dreams is not meaningless; your instincts are trying to get your attention. The distorted feminine hijacks our natural feminine power. Of course weve strayed away from them, because times have changed drastically! The toxic feminine is a broad collective wound that took thousands of years to implant**, and I imagine it will take some time to reprogram. Her secret power exists within this ignorance, and this denial is created by our fear of the dark feminine. Move your body even if you do not feel like it, even if you would rather disappear from the face of the Earth. Her mistaken ambition drives women and men to seek forms of status and and success that are hollow and unsatisfying. Date of experience: May 07, 2022. The modern world is much different compared to how it used to be. We also heal the lineage of our ancestors, who are now freed from the spiritual consequences of the damage they have passed on to their descendants. It wants to be loving, generous and it wants itself and others to win, but for the shadow feminine, nothing is . But in reality, having the humility to admit that one may not know everything is a . Both sides of the toxic masculine/feminine have to be addressed in how they express themselves within us and our own lives because we have to empower ourselves by taking full self-responsibility and noticing how we are all complicit in this game in some way. Whether you agree or not, its a trait thats often mentioned in the same sentence as traits and feminine. Stop yourself from immediately taking another bite. We can all have masculine traits too. That means that youre using your empathy skills and seeing things from the other persons side. You are sovereign. When someone attempts to interrupt and leave, the afflicted person will have one more thing he/she wants to say, to the point that others almost have to be rude in order to disentangle themselves. The enmeshment of the all-devouring inner feminine makes separating very difficult, even painful. Have women had a raw deal compared to men? Am I trying to manipulate my image and is that serving me in developing intimacy with those around me? This desire drives her to carve out her unique role and niche in the world. And we embraced in a very deep, very loving, long, familiar hug. The irony is that often the person who is being drained by her will think that the vampire is actually the person they need to complete themselves a pervasive and toxic connect in itself. [Read: How to awaken your divine feminine and connect to your inner goddess]. Because the distorted feminine is so pervasive we can actually confuse the healthy and distorted energies and for this reason it is important to lay out clearly the difference between the two. The shadow inner masculine is always disconnected from your inner feminine. Relying upon female traits to get you through life may not be the most successful route, however. However, if you do it consistently enough it will train your organism to absorb and digest what you receive. Im not saying that I deserved it either, and this is not about shaming anyone who experiences sexual abuse. I believe the ultimate expression of female empowerment is beyond all appearances and can be expressed by but is also not defined by appearances. Overactive: Living in victim mode. We know many women who are not in the slightest bit submissive, because they have no reason to be, but theyre no less feminine for it. This state is often confused with genuine love feelings and our media and music industry promote this version of sexual obsession and romantic fantasy as an idealised love state no end see Cant Get You Out of My Head by Kylie Minogue as a perfect example. Women take up less space than men. Gold in dreams is known to be connected to the GODS or the masculine YANG energy - the Jaguar is the feminine that balances these inner forces for you to become complete. . To truly be successful, one needs to understand that they may not have all the answers. I am speaking out about it because I am inviting my own and other womens shadows to be seen in the light of awareness. The path to feeling loved, fulfilled, and whole within oneself is by healing these shadow fragments, thus creating harmony between our inner masculine and inner feminine. But she definitely feels like a goddess. We have to address toxic masculinity AND toxic femininity and how it manifests on a collective level. After you swallow it, feel it descend into your body and settle in your stomach. It felt very familiar. Showing Compassion. Begin with something concrete like food. Another divide and conquer strategy used to separate and cause chaos amongst the masses. Whenmy Shadow Feminine first arrived at the fire I couldnt see her clearly. Bravery, and its admirable! I encourage you to use this information and your own discernment and healing powers to restore your Natural Woman state of being so that from there you can create the changes that are so needed right now.