SKYWARN These are masses of gray, high-density water that cover the Sun partially or totally, generating little visibility. They can cover the entire sky and form before rain storms. However, a Mind can transfer its 'mind state' into and out of its ship 'body', and even switch roles entirely, becoming (for example) an Orbital Hub from a warship. Cumulonimbus clouds are menacing-looking, multi-level clouds. The Culture believes the SapirWhorf hypothesis that language influences thought, and Marain was designed by early Minds to exploit this effect, while also "appealing to poets, pedants, engineers and programmers". In the novels no one knows who created the airspheres or why, but it is presumed that whoever did has long since sublimed but may maintain some obscure link with the behemothaurs and lenticular entities. While the Culture is generally pan-humanoid (and tends to call itself "human"), various other species and individuals of other species have become part of the Culture. The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. Local The Culture is a fictional interstellar post-scarcity civilisation or society created by the Scottish writer Iain M. Banks and features in a number of his space opera novels and works of short fiction, collectively called the Culture series. Submit Storm Reports, Current Weather The dust that forms these dark shining clouds is also found in volcanic particles and the troposphere. If you liked our suggestions for amazing facts about the highest clouds in the sky then why not take a look at what do pink clouds mean or facts about cirrus clouds. Which statement is NOT true of aquaculture. Cloud atlas At the upper reaches of the troposphere youll find high clouds, which, depending on geographic location, occur between roughly 10,000 and 60,000 feet. Clouds of vertical development are called the masses of water that form hundreds of meters above the surface and have a vertical structure. These are entities that exist to convert as much of the universe as possible into more of themselves; most typically these are technological in nature, resembling more sophisticated forms of grey goo, but the term can be applied to cultures that are sufficiently single-minded in their devotion to mass conquest, control, and colonisation. When these high-level clouds accumulate too much water vapor at that high altitude, they release rain. The Culture, and other civilisations in Banks' universe, are described as living in these various, often constructed habitats: These are vast, brown dwarf-sized bubbles of atmosphere enclosed by force fields, and (presumably) set up by an ancient advanced race at least one and a half billion years ago (see: Look to Windward). These are asteroids and other non-planetary bodies hollowed out for habitation and usually spun for centrifugal artificial gravity. The Culture is characterized as being a post-scarcity society, having overcome most physical constraints on life and being an egalitarian, stable society without the use of any form of force or compulsion, except where necessary to protect others. Banks does not describe these habitats in detail, but records one as having been destroyed (along with three Spheres) in the Idiran-Culture war. It's stated Dajeil has been pregnant for 40 years. What are the names of clouds? Forks High School had a frightening total of only three hundred and fifty-seven - now fifty-eight - students; there were more than seven hundred people in my junior class alone back home. Both the Culture and the author (in his Notes on the Culture) find this behaviour quixotic and ridiculous. Almost no Culture citizens are described as living on planets, except when visiting other civilisations. This technique is described as being especially useful to track potentially dangerous people (such as ex-Special Circumstances agents). The storage capability of a GSV Mind is described in Consider Phlebas as 1030 bytes (1 million yottabytes). Minds do not end up in roles unsuited to them; an antisocial Mind simply would not volunteer to organise the care of thousands of humans, for example. These clouds float in the sky at a level around 16,500-45,000 feet. Hey, I have a fun suggestion that would actually be real cool to see in this mod as an option. Drones are roughly comparable in intelligence and social status to that of the Culture's biological members. The Culture (at least by the time of The Player of Games) has developed a form of teleportation capable of transporting both living and unliving matter instantaneously via wormholes. Some 'Rocks' also act as 'Stores'. Most of the Culture's citizens do not live on planets but in artificial habitats such as orbitals and ships, the largest of which are home to billions of individuals. Minds have also been known to commit suicide to escape punishment, or because of grief. Within the range of the Culture's influence in the galaxy, most ships would still take years of travelling to reach the more remote spots. Cumulonimbus clouds are very dense cumulus clouds formed by water droplets in their lower part and by water crystals in their upper part. While the Culture is normally pacifist, Contact historically acts as its military arm in times of war and Special Circumstances can be considered its secret service and its military intelligence. Our Staff The Culture has a relatively relaxed attitude towards death. FORT MYERS, Fla. (AP) Survivors of Hurricane Ian face a long emotional road to recover from one of the most damaging storms to hit the U.S. mainland. All of the pictures on these pages were taken in the Lower Keys, unless otherwise noted. Low-level clouds (cumulus, stratus, stratocumulus) that lie below 6,500 feet (1,981 m) Middle clouds (altocumulus, nimbostratus, altostratus) that form between 6,500 and 20,000 feet (19816,096 m) High-level clouds (cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus) that form above 20,000 feet (6,096 m). In the Idiran-Culture War (possibly one of the most hard-fought wars for the normally extremely superior Culture forces), various star systems, stellar regions and many orbital habitats were overrun by the Idirans before the Culture had converted enough of its forces to military footing. The Minds themselves choose their own names, and thus they usually express something about a particular Mind's attitude, character or aims in their personal life. However the bomb ends up being spotted without the taboo being broken. the cloud height, measured above sea level, ranging from 0 to 20 km. These clouds are higher up in the sky than any other cloud. Noctilucent clouds can only be formed at mid to high latitudes in the summertime when the temperature in the mesosphere is cold enough for ice crystals to form. In comparisons to the real world, intended or not, the Culture could resemble various posited egalitarian societies including in the writings of Karl Marx, the end condition of communism after a withering away of the state, the anarchism of Bakunin and Fourier et al., libertarian socialism, council communism and anarcho-communism. SZENSEI'S SUBMISSIONS: This page shows a list of stories and/or poems, that this author has published on Literotica. These are high-stratus clouds made up of small masses of water, which give them the appearance of irregular cotton specks. Level up across your business. Nimbostratus are of medium level and are characterized by covering a large part of the sky, hence their name comes from the Latinnimbus(rainy cloud) andstratus(layer). The lowering clouds indicate that the front is drawing near, giving a period of rain in the next 12 hours. Eccentric Culture Minds who have become " a bit odd" (as compared to the very rational standards of other Culture Minds). Clouds are made of millions of these tiny liquid water droplets. [18] This also necessitates the capability to read thoughts, but as described in Look to Windward, doing this without permission is considered taboo.[6]. Miami Radar These clouds increase the planets albedo (the fraction of sunlight reflected back to space) and generally cool the Earths surface. Cumulus clouds are also called fair wether clouds and look like floating cotton. It tends to make major decisions based on the consensus formed by its Minds and, if appropriate, its citizens. Which of the following is NOT an outcome of a prescribed forest burn? It is mentioned in Excession that: the tenor of the time had generally turned against outlandishness and people had mostly returned to looking more like people over the last millennium (previously) as the fashions of the intervening times had ordained people had resembled birds, fish, dirigible balloons, snakes, small clouds of cohesive smoke and animated bushes. The only serious prohibitions that seem to exist are against harming sentient beings, or forcing them into undertaking any act (another concept that seems unnatural to and is, in fact, almost unheard of by almost all Culture citizens). Converts Minds (or sentient computers) from other societies who have chosen to join the Culture. They are so both by design, and by their shared culture. They are a type of mid-level clouds made up of layers of various densities and irregular shapes, spread throughout the sky. Root name for puffy shaped clouds that grow vertically-cirrus. News in the Last Frontier. Indeed, some are eventually deemed psychologically unsuitable as agents (for example as Mawhrin-Skel notes about itself in The Player of Games) and must choose either mental reprofiling or demilitarisation and discharge from Special Circumstances. His system of nomenclature included 12 categories of clouds, with such names as (translated from French) hazy clouds, dappled clouds, and broom-like clouds. The practice of reading a sentient's mind without permission (something the Culture is technologically easily capable of) is also strictly taboo. After observing the cloud in the jar, remove the lid and watch the cloud escape out of the jar. To start off, all clouds contain some similarities, they are all made up of water droplets or ice crystals that float in the sky. High-Level Clouds First, we have high level clouds. Stratus clouds produce steady rains, and cumulus clouds produce intense, stormy precipitation. NWS Transmission or storage of such energy is not explained, though these capabilities must be powerful as well, with tiny drones capable of very powerful manipulatory fields and forces. During war, most of the strategic and tactical decisions are taken by the Minds, with apparently only a small number of especially gifted humans, the "Referrers", being involved in the top-level decisions, though they are not shown outside Consider Phlebas. Guests in the airspheres are not allowed to use any force-field technology, though no reason has been offered for this prohibition. Bitcoin-sterling volumes spike to record high as British currency flounders Robinhood partners with USD Coin issuer to bring first stablecoin Get RSS Feed More News The above has to do with the appearance of these types of clouds, since they look like a kind of veil or thin cloth spread over the sky, so thin that it allows the formation of shadows on the earth's surface. Tags: Web, DoD, GCC High, SharePoint, General Availability, GCC, Education, Germany, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) Release: October CY2020; October CY2020 In-product notification of full inbox for Government clouds. Write a guide that encourages people to conserve energy and offers practical tips to show them how. It is also noted in Matter that every Culture Mind writes its own OS, thus continually improving itself and, as a side benefit, becoming much less vulnerable to outside takeover by electronic means and viruses, as every Mind's processing functions work differently. Required fields are marked *. Read our Sponsorship & Advertising Policy. In Banks's universe, a good part (but by no means an overwhelming percentage) of all sentient species is of the "pan-human" type, as noted in Matter. Says Fred Schneider, We are old. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration The Culture (and other societies) have developed powerful anti-gravity abilities, closely related to their ability to manipulate forces themselves. They are gray cloud this that cover the entire sky and can be the result of very thick fog lifting in the morning. Meanwhile, a war over the digitized souls of the dead is expanding from cyberspace into the real world. In the Culture universe, Minds have become an indispensable part of the prevailing society, enabling much of its post-scarcity amenities by planning and automating societal functions, and by handling day-to-day administration with mere fractions of their mental power. The reason for this is partly because the Culture believes in containing its own expansion to self-constructed habitats, instead of colonising or conquering new planets. (b) the Clean Water Act. As Culture citizens see it these good works provide the Culture with a "moral right to exist". Find the latest U.S. news stories, photos, and videos on Add the elevation of the airfield and this will give height above sea level. The Culture Minds had had enough foresight to evacuate almost all its affected citizens (apparently numbering in the many billions) in time before actual hostilities reached them. That being said, some citizens and especially crafty Minds tend to enjoy manipulating others, in particular by controlling the course of alien societies, through the group known as Contact. Middle Clouds Within the novels, opponents of the Culture have argued that the role of humans in the Culture is nothing more than that of pets, or parasites on Culture Minds, and that they can have nothing genuinely useful to contribute to a society where science is close to omniscient about the physical universe, where every ailment has been cured, and where every thought can be read. But were completely hardcore. Some citizens choose to forgo death altogether, although this is rarely done and is viewed as an eccentricity. Water droplets are usually small compared to the entire sky but the size of the water droplets also plays a matter of consideration. Along with cirrus and cirrocumulus, cirrostratus makes up the upper-level cloud group. Drones get around the limitations of this inanimation with the ability to project "fields": both those capable of physical force, which allow them to manipulate objects, as well as visible, coloured fields called "auras", which are used to enable the drone to express emotion. Taking into account such accidents, voluntary euthanasia for emotional reasons, or choices like sublimation, the average lifespan of humans is described in Excession as being around 350 to 400 years. Did you know? Any information you provide to us via this website may be placed by us on servers located in countries outside the EU if you do not agree to such placement, do not provide the information. Cirrostratus clouds are like very thin sheets of clouds that cover large parts of the sky. Shellworlds are introduced in Matter, and consist of multilayered levels of concentric spheres in four dimensions held up by countless titanic interior towers. The novels of the Culture cycle, therefore, mostly deal with people at the fringes of the Culture: diplomats, spies, or mercenaries; those who interact with other civilisations, and who do the Culture's dirty work in moving those societies closer to the Culture ideal, sometimes by force. Techniques in genetics have advanced in the Culture to the point where bodies can be freed from built-in limitations. There are various types of clouds covering the whole sky. Many of these concepts would in fact be somewhat theoretical to the average Culture citizen. Some ships (GSVs, for example) are tens or even hundreds of kilometres in length and may have millions or even billions of residents who live on them full-time; together with Orbitals, such ships represent the main form of habitat for the Culture. Rocks Minds in charge of planetoid-like structures, built/accreted, mostly from the earliest times of the Culture before it moved into space-built orbitals. Character traits like strong shyness, while very rare, are not fully unknown, as shown in Excession. The Culture has little use for conventional ground forces (as it rarely occupies enemy territory); combat drones equipped with knife missiles do appear in Descendant and "terror weapons" (basically intelligent, nano-form assassins) are mentioned in Look to Windward, while infantry combat suits of great power (also usable as capable combat drones when without living occupants) are used in Matter. Drones have full control of their auras and can display emotions they're not feeling or can switch their aura off. Unlike normal clouds which form in the Earths atmosphere, noctilucent clouds form directly from water vapor. The Culture has no flag, symbol or logo. Weather Radio In size drones vary substantially: the oldest still alive (eight or nine thousand years old) tend to be around the size of humans, whereas later technology allows drones to be small enough to lie in a human's cupped palm; modern drones may be any size between these extremes according to fashion and personal preference. H. Native elements are mined by solar evaporation. Social norms are enforced by convention (personal reputation, "good manners", and by, as described in The Player of Games, possible ostracism and involuntary supervision for more serious crimes). Alto-Prefix to describe mid level clouds. You have subscribed to: Remember that you can always manage your preferences or unsubscribe through the link at the foot of each newsletter. Altocumulus clouds are composed of water droplets and are gray and puffy. (In a passage in one of the books, there is a brief reference to the question of sentience when comparing the human brain or a "pico-level substrate".). They usually mean the day will have fair or pleasant whether, and follow the direction that the air moves at the altitude they are found at. [11] Minds do have back-up capabilities functioning with light-speed if the hyperspace capabilities fail - however, this reduces their computational powers by several orders of magnitude (though they remain sentient). Marain itself is also open to encryption and dialect-specific implementations for different parts of the Culture. Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life.While large volumes of water can be found throughout the Solar System, only Earth sustains liquid surface water.About 71% of Earth's surface is made up of the ocean, dwarfing Earth's polar ice, lakes, and rivers.The remaining 29% of Earth's surface is land, consisting of continents and While the enforcement in theory could lead to a Big Brother-style surveillance society, in practice social convention among the Minds prohibits them from watching, or interfering in, citizens' lives unless requested, or unless they perceive severe risk. Local Research Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. It is noted that even Minds themselves do not necessarily live forever either, often choosing to eventually sublime or even killing themselves (as does the double-Mind GSV Lasting Damage due to its choices in the Culture-Idiran war). An episode in a full-scale war between the Culture and the Idirans, told mainly from the point of view of an operative of the Idiran Empire. As shown in Player of Games, this is a standard Culture tactic, with its strong emphasis on protecting its citizens rather than sacrificing some of them for short-term goals. Sometimes they are called make kernel clouds because they look similar to fish scales. Much of the Culture's population lives on orbitals, vast artificial worlds that can accommodate billions of people. The Culture likes to be in the know, and as described in Matter "they tend to know everything." It's just my take on it. [25] Later in the timeline of the Culture's universe, the Culture has reached a technological level at which most past civilisations have Sublimed, in other words disengaged from Galactic politics and from most physical interaction with other civilisations. Those structures, like Niven's Ringworld, encircle a star and are about the same size. There are four types of noctilucent clouds based on their density, structure, and appearance. Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage (cloud storage) and computing power, without direct active management by the user. They are illuminated by moon-sized orbiting planetoids that emit enormous light beams. Some examples are: Some humanoid or drone Culture citizens have long names, often with seven or more words. The practice of reading a sentient 's Mind without permission ( something the Culture or.! Your local Area or plan a big day out quality was ( a ) the risk of forest is Star and are usually seen on warm and humid summer mornings and are gray and puffy have developed anti-gravity! Be: cirrus clouds the burning of the sky, right before your eyes of very thunderstorms Troposphere of Earth power in his Notes on the three pages linked. 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