Many of them want to learn more, unfortunately they are only able to learn what is readily available to them that is, they learn what was taught by the previous generations. The HalleluYAH scriptures use the Hebrew and Greek names and titles for God, which is a nice element for those wanting to see the underlying nuance often lost in English translation. The Childrens Book 2 is the second Book in the series that brings His Word to life for children. It was a special day for the children to share about the HalleluYah Scriptures Childrens Book and also to share Scriptures with the congregation. One of the sayings on the wall said, " Welcome to Israel. (Philippines), My son, watch over your fathers command, And do not forsake the Torah of your mother. I didnt know it existed.. That is why all thepublished materialsONLYgive full credit THEM, with no names of the many volunteers behind it. StephenMartyr. Proverbs 22:6. The children above are from the Philippines and were given free HalleluYah Scriptures Childrens Books before the Filipino edition was printed. His will, His way! The aim of the HalleluYah Scriptures is to give a version that is the purest to His people - a gift from the Father. Look, children are an inheritance from YHWH, the fruit of the womb is the reward. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . The HalleluYAH Scriptures abide by the Biblical principle of giving YHWHs Word FREE especially to the poor, while supported by those who can. As most of you will know, the Philippines is mostly made up of Catholics. It is the first and only one of it's kind with restored Names. And delight yourself in YHWH, And let Him give you the desires of your heart. Below is one of many children in South Africa who have received the Childrens Book free. HalleluYah Scriptures Please Note: Children wanting to watch this video must be supervised by an adult. For more, visit this web link:! Psalm 127:3. He alone is my rock and my deliverance, my Below are some children and believers in the Philippines receiving the Cards of Hope in English. HalleluYah Scriptures. In one instance for example, my grandfather who is a Messianic Jew, wore a hat that bore the name of YHWH on it written in Hebrew, and when he went to a Muslim community, all the Muslims he passed by bowed down in reverence to the Sacred Name.. HE is awesome! Michael B) has lovingly shared one of his original compositions which is dedicated to Abba YHWH: You can read them on the sitecomments page. As the Scriptures are ONE single, undivided and inspired BOOK, the Childrens Books will present correlating stories from the First and Renewed Covenants as they interrelate & connect through history. Baruk is the man who has filled his quiver with them. 200 Page 6 x 9 Wide Ruled Blank Lined Journal Spiritual Bible Verses Journal. There are a number of HalleluYAH Scriptures materials, such as theChildrens Book, pocket-sized Cards of Hope and Bookmarks, which have been translated into different languages such as Filipino, Spanish, Telugu, and soon into more other languages. HALLELUYAH SCRIPTURES BIBLE. It is a great honor to share His Word the HalleluYah Scriptures with those who are so hungry for truth. I gave two of the books to a sister in the office to send to a prisoner for his children and I believe there are 6 or 8 books left which are in the office for children who may come into the Assembly. Thank you once again to all the supporters of this important project, those that pray, fast and donate for you have heard the cries of YHWHS people. How exciting for them and those receiving this shipment. HalleluYah! It has been wonderful to provide parents with His Word the HallelluYah Scriptures as they can now teach and read to their children and bring them up in the Word. Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. We praising Yah today for the copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures Bibles. The cards will be distributed to the kids as well. Just like the first Childrens Book movie, we are working on a second movie to work along side this Book. Edit Details Below is the Filipino Childrens book being packed and shipped to the Philippines, these have arrived now and being shared with the Filipino people. The HalleluYah Scriptures Childrens Book is loved by many children all over the world and it is a pleasure to be able to gift a free copy to each family. We as a team praise the Father when we see shipments like this leaving for we know thereare waiting hands that are so desperate at the other end. The world is full of fairy tales. We are working on the 3rd Book which we pray to release next year. Click the button below, HalleluYah Scriptures Coloring Book & Childrens Book 2 Now Printed. No one comes to the Father except through Me. . Whoever receives one of such little children in My Name receives Me. Dec 24, 2019. We have just sent another large shipment off the to the Philippines (see above,) as we still have thousands to reach in many towns, cities and villages and surrounding countries. Just as an encouragement, I have been giving the new DVD video to all my little students ages 3-7 and they all love it. Sister I.C. I let them read.. Then I use it in other classes too.. AndI will keep the copies so that next school year they will be used again for the next batch of students[Despite challenges and persecutions] one of my students is already following the Torah and the other two are striving to follow it . " When I saw that, in my heart I wanted that. We are working on preparing the Childrens Book in the Dutch, Telugu and Swahili as these have been translated. Shalom. A huge HalleluYah and a special thank you to all those who helped all these brothers and sisters receive freely. The HalleluYah Scriptures Movie comes in9 subtitled languages for children all over the world. This group above have received many copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures, Audio, Cards of Hope and Childrens Book and have really enjoyed the free material. Ill be updating you with photos of the recipients. Oh HalleluYah, may His Name be praised, may it be shouted from every hill top and mountain for He is our Elohim. Many are left unaware that there is so much more to the Bible and to the Truth. We are now working on having them translated into the Thai language. Thanks for sending the Filipino teacher these HS materials . We want to say a very special HALLELUYAH to YHWH and our Savior for it is They that have done an amazing work through this special project that belongs to Them. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for we have been blessed., Shalom to you at HalleluYah Scriptures. Free Bibles for the poor. Free Bibles for the poor. There is no greater joy than to share His Word in different ways like using the HalleluYah Scriptures or Audio which have become so very important and loved by thousands all over the world. It will bring His Word to life for children all over the world and like the first,will be in many subtitled languages. We pray He rewards your work. Please pray as the team work on this Book and others that need to be completed. Restoring the Names of the Father and His Son in Paleo Hebrew, the language the Father wrote on the 10 Commandment stones. All feel happy to have the bibles and childrens materials in their home and know true names. Who knows how onepocket-sized Card of Hope,or how one bookmark with the Ten Commandments or how one childrens Book with parallel story from the First and Renewed Covenantcan changea persons life? It is His nature to love and cherish and heal His creation. (India). Our supporters all over the world have helped these brothers and sisters receive freely and it is they that the Father has used to get His Word out the HalleluYah Scriptures out to a world that has never seen nor owned a copy and have no means or options of affording. strong tower; I am not shaken. AMEIN. She said she would share them with students and teach each Friday from the HS to the Catholic children the True Word of Yah. This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this Halleluyah Scriptures Free Download by online. There is no greater excitement than receiving His Word freely and be able to own the best gift in the world apart from our Salvation. All of these contain the Restored Name of the Father and the Son in Paleo Hebrew characters. Read more, HalleluYah Scriptures has no affiliation with any other website, organization or ministry. Please pray for children all over the world as it is not easy to live in this worldwhile it is so wicked and not getting any better each passing day. A big Thank you to you all. . The HalleluYah Scriptures. children, refusing to be comforted, because they were no more.'' 19 And Herodes having died, see, a messenger of appeared in a dream to Yosph in Mitsrayim, . Thereare a number of brothers and elders that travel very long hours to get copies to take to outback villages to believers who would otherwise not know about this project. Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man's Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. Readable for most small for some! Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures. We are so excited to share with you the "HalleluYah Scriptures Children's Book." This HS . For we are nothing without Them. Children just light up when they see His Word and are amazed at seeing these special editions. by Jazzy Smooth | Apr 7, 2019. They have never seen the Fathers Word before with His Name and His Sons Name restored. As arrows in the hand of a mighty man, so are the children of ones youth. About the Author of Halleluyah Scriptures Bible PDF Free Download Book . They are so grateful for the little support we and supporters have given. The HalleluYah Scriptures Coloring Book is much better that expected and we were so excited to receive thefinal proofs of theColoring Book as it is such high quality. HalleluYah Scriptures Children's Materials - Books, Coloring Books, Posters and First Ever Restored Names Children's Movie. It is a stand alone ministry supported by believers worldwide who call on the Name of and His Mashiach, HalleluYah Scriptures is not and has never been a 501C3, Subscribetoday to get notified on new updates, Donate to help us. The HalleluYah Scriptures Childrens Book was taken to the very poor and into outback villages to be shared. We now have the Cards of Hope in the Filipino language and soon will be in the Spanish and Telugu Indian language, and if time allows we will be doing other languages for believers in other countries who cannot read English. Bright and colorful sothe children will have fun learning along the way. HalleluYah! We try and get as many pictures as possible to share with you but not everyone likes their picture taken. They look after many orphans who have no parents or family. Would it be a bad idea to download the Halleluyah Scriptures Bible in the iBooks Store? As we have shared, our first and most important work is and will always be with the HalleluYah Scriptures. We have just printed 35,000 Cards of Hope and Bookmarks in the Filipino language for believers to hand out and share with those seeking truth. All characters in this story have their Hebrew Names restored throughout the Scriptures having been transliterated phonetically to match Hebrew pronunciation: i.e. Halleluyah Scriptures - CNET Download Showing 1-10 of 186 Results for "halleluyah scriptures" Halleluyah Radio Free Halleluyah Radio, the first Christian internet radio station in Regina,. We are putting together, and will start work on the 3rd Childrens Book which will focus on the two Passovers which will include Yahshuas death and resurrection. HISTORY IN THE MAKING. The picture of her head is in this batch. We have a brother who has left the USA to live in Thailand to start mission work. Speaking of children, one brother in UK (Bro. Who is Behind HalleluYah Scriptures 37 Comments. Todah HalleluYah Scriptures family! The HalleluYah Scriptures Children's Coloring Book has the 10 Commandments and 8 Beatitudes for children to color in and learn as they color in the pages. Offering Restored Name Scriptures. You might not require more become old to spend to go to the book opening as with . We are working with other volunteers in different countries so that we can translate more materials in many other languages. We have completed the Childrens Book Movie and it is the only movie that has restored Names and is all HalleluYah Scriptures. You can read more on this link about this very special book for Children and. It is a stand alone ministry supported by believers worldwide who call on the Name of and His Mashiach, HalleluYah Scriptures is not and has never been a 501C3, Subscribetoday to get notified on new updates, Donate to help us. Everyone is very happy to receive the true Word., HalleluYah to you all. You can see two children above of many that freely received this special Book enjoy it and read it in their own language. For the children are the key to the future and it is written And these Words which I am commanding you today shall be in your heart, and you shall impress them upon your children, and shall speak of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up, and shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. (Debarim 6:6-8 / Deuteronomy 6:6-8). This movie has taken close to 2 years to complete andhas hand written inspired music with life-like images (not cartoons) as we have said we do not use cartoons in the Book or Movie as cartoonsrepresent fairy tales to children. I will let my students borrow it then return it after they finished reading.. so that my next students for the coming years have also a Scripture to borrow. These have been going all over the world in English for a number of months now, proclaiming the Names and Truth. Waterproof HalleluYah Scriptures Take Anywhere Bible Todah HS family. All Scriptures with no added words or doctrines. The Glossary section of the text explains that a number of Hebrew words have also been used to replace certain English words pertaining to the Father, Son and His people. Help me know how to pray for them, when to speak to them about issues, when to encourage them, and when to keep my mouth shut. Eighty percent of the population belong to the Roman Catholic Church. Above are brothers in Nigeria receiving a shipment to share with families and orphans in their area. iIam sure this will bear good fruit too. Halleluyah Scriptures (bible) - posted in e-Sword Questions & Answers: Hello, I am looking for Halleluyah Scripture Bible Can anybody pls upload this in bblx file. Best Seller in Children's Christian Historical Fiction. YHWH Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Yitshaq (Isaac), and the Elohim of Yaaqob (Jacob), has sent me to you. And whoever receives Me, receives not Me, but the One who sent Me. (Marqos/ Mark 9:37). Thank the team for doing this as it really helps. Sis D. (HONG KONG). Published by Team on January 25, 2015 "My being, finds rest in Elohim alone because my expectation is from Him. The BEST gift in the world is His Word. Even when he is old he turns not away from it. Mishly / Proverbs 22:6. This is the heart of YHWH and His Son and Their project for the HalleluYah Scriptures project is owned by Them and they have protected and battled for Their Word since the beginning of time. ministry will not be promoting the HalleluYah Scriptures are as follows: 1 What started out as FREE has now turned into "required donations". The Indian brother below has been sharing the HalleluYah Scriptures Childrens Book with many fellowships, Elders and children all over India. The night will come soon when we will not be able to openly do this important work. Praise Yah! " Lives! Aside from Christians, thereare also a wide variety of other religions and spiritualities present in the country. A heartfelt thank you to all the HalleluYah Scriptures supporters who have prayed and fasted and donate to make all this happen. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. We pray you are and your loved ones are well. If you know any groups or believers in the Philippines who would like this special Book kindly let us know. Waterproof HalleluYah Scriptures Take Anywhere Bible Many of these children and their families cannot afford their own Bible nor ever acquire a Restored Name Bible before. The Childrens Book has the following uniquefeatures: No pagan titles the Name of the Father and the Son are restored in the original Paleo-Hebrew. 80% of Added Words Removed . They will have the Childrens Book and Cards of Hope now to hand out and share with others around them. This video is turning out to be interesting. 1.It's Always // Elohim's Will to Heal! The pages arenice and thick and the images are good, clear and strong in color. I have given to children and adults. Check out our the halleluyah scriptures selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Many children will enjoy reading these books with beautiful pictures. See how the teachers and the children are very grateful for receiving the FREE materials: Childrens Books, bookmarks and cards of hope for my students just arrived. Thank you and know you are also in our prayers. Life-like pictures Stories are illustrated as they appear in reality, so that the children are exposed to real-life illustrations and not cartoons. May Abba YHWHs abundant favor be upon your ministry. HalleluYah For Our Brothers, Sisters & Children In The Philippines Praise The Father & His Son! Young minds are learning the timeless truth of YHWH like never before in history. Our multilingual Childrens Books & DVDs use vivid illustrations and the timeless Words of YHWH in presenting our Abbas value-forming stories! It has been a great honor in sending copies for the young for they are our future. Download Halleluyah Scriptures Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle PU Leather Standard Size Scriptures The Dabar YHUH GET BOOK Download The Dabar YHUH Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle The Dabar-Word of Yahuah Note 9 Point Font! All the names restored to it's original Hebrew pronunciation and most of pagan terms replaced. HalleluYah Scriptures Children's Coloring Book - Learning the 10 Commandments - All Scripture - Easy To Learn & Fun. What an exciting time to share these wonder Book that are all Scripture and that bring such joy to children and families. Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man's Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. HalleluYah! We will send more pictures later, once we distribute the Childrens Books to the orphans and homeless children here in Davao City Philippines. We received 3 books, as well as copies of the Childrens Books and bookmarks, and cards of hope. Read more, HalleluYah Scriptures has no affiliation with any other website, organization or ministry. These materials contain pure Scriptures with the Restored Names of our Father and His Son. Never in history has there been a translation that has been done in accordance with the Father's Word combining all the features that we are. With more books being developed as we speak, each topical book (not chronological) contains two parallel stories: one from the First Covenant and the other from the Renewed Covenant. Read more, HalleluYah Scriptures has no affiliation with any other website, organization or ministry. We are so very honored to come to work with groups who have such a deep love for the down and out and the orphans who have no family. HALLELUYAH ALWAYS AND FOREVER AMEIN. From the proof on this website you have definitely deceived, used, manipulated and lied to many believers. Parents are encouraged to diligently teach their children as they read the Childrens Book together so it will be doubly-fun and educative for both the parents and the child; Pro 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he turns not away from it. HalleluYah for the little orphans that are helped with basic needs. We are excited to share the Audio, the Name Meanings Book (which was 15 years of research,) the wristbands and bookmarks in this shipment. I asked for at least 10 to 15 copies of HalleluYah Scriptures.. so I could lend them the Scripture.. until they get one.. 7 by 10, 2.5 lbs. YHWHs Word is so powerful and cuts through, touching even the hardest heart as a two-edged sword. Click the button below. Halleluyah Scriptures Pattern: Bible cover Instant Digital PDF download Easy build MPRLeatherworks (666) $4.11 $5.48 (25% off) More colors Humbly HalleluYAH | Israelite Princess Fringed Sandals HumblyHalleluYAH (722) $44.44 More colors Restoration Scriptures True Name Deluxe 8th Edition With Study Notes-Hardcover Leatherette YourArmsToIsrael We have developed these to help children learn His Commands and Laws in an easy and fun way. Waterproof HalleluYah Scriptures Take Anywhere Bible It will be a great experience if you are very sure that how to generate the Halleluyah Scriptures Bible can be an easy thing. Many have shared with us that teenagers are asking about having a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures as they want to understand and read His Word for themselves. It is made in a way to make it easier for Children to learn and for grown-ups as well. Due to what has happened in Puerto Rico the shipment is delayed. HalleluYah. Welcome to the HalleluYah Scriptures website. We would like to have these printed in other languages for Children all over the world to enjoy and will do so in time. The HalleluYah Scriptures is the purest version and the closest to the Hebrew than any other version by far. !. I admire your system of not charging for the scriptures, that is very honorable. "HalleluYah to you all. Yoanan/John 14:6" HalleluYAH! Childrens Book & Cards Of Hope Enjoyed Around The World! We enjoy working with YHWHs Word and also find it very exciting to work on projects for Children, as we know how important they are to YHWH and His Son. We have supported this group above in Kenya withseeds so that they can grow food for the orphans. Even when he is old he turns not away from it." - Mishly / Proverbs 22:6 HALLELUYAH SCRIPTURES CHILDREN'S BOOK 2 Below is a group we have been working with food and basic needs for a number of years now. These are prayed over and we know the Fathers hand is over them. How touching! Click the button below, Children Across The Globe Praising YHWH for FREE Materials. We all send our prayers and thanks to you all.. The Filipino Cards of Hope have arrived and will be shared out soon to many groups and believers so they have ways of sharing the Names and Truth in Scriptures in their own language. His Word is important, for it gives us our instruction for life. The Almighty's and Messiah's Name in Paleo Hebrew. I didn't know it existed." I am planning that if you could send it for free.. These will go out to our people who will share them with their families. As much as I really wanna share the truth. The Halleluyah Scriptureshas beensending FREE copies of Bibles and othermaterialsto our poor brothers and sisters around the world. A brother in Davao shared this observation: An interesting thing about the Muslims here is that they also know theRestored Name and are very respectful of it. All the names restored to it's original Hebrew pronunciation and most of pagan terms replaced. Free of mans doctrine Stories are quoted straight from the HalleluYah Scriptures and not paraphrased in any way. Published May 17, 2021 at 214 301 in Resources. 1 review Unique restored translation of the Scriptures straight from the Hebrew manuscripts to English. Shipments like this are being sent all over the world on a daily basis and thoughthey have not upacked all this shipmentthey want to display some of them for us to see. It will touch and change many lives all over the world and will bring much esteem and praise to YHWH. HalleluYah Scriptures sends free bibles to the poor and. Even a child is known by his deeds, Whether his work is clear and right. Proverbs/Mishely 20:11, HalleluYAH and keep up the good work My 2 little ones have watched the DVD Movie and their eyes and ears are literally glued on the TV Screen How wonderful!! "Train up a child in the way he should go. Psalms/Tehillim 62:6. As parents, grandparents, and mentors it's important for us to help our children learn and understand the promises of God. To YHWH to His Son YAHSHUA be all the esteem, praise and honor! HalleluYah. Just to wish you a happy eternity because I know you to be ageless because of the work you are doing and also you carry the DNA of YHWH and Yahshua and are agelessRemain blessed. Brother E. (Kenya), This is so exciting. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, and so is saved. Romans 10:9-10 Restored Names Childrens Movie arrives end of November, order now. Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Also looking for the same in PDF format..would appreciate your help.. my email id - regards david I pray that there are more sponsors and donors to this ministry. We are excited to offer the large print. It is a stand alone ministry supported by believers worldwide who call on the Name of and His Mashiach, HalleluYah Scriptures is not and has never been a 501C3, Subscribetoday to get notified on new updates, Donate to help us. The books have arrived into Europe and Belgium for children to anger, but the who Son are restored to it & # x27 ; s Name in 3:15! Books & DVDs use vivid illustrations and the timeless words of YHWH to the Truth and donate to all. 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