Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, IP addresses, Marital statuses, Names, Occupations, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Usernames Compromised accounts: 108,887 Compromised accounts: 3,589,795 After combining the results of both searches and carefully inspecting the source code we find the following piece of code: Before opening a URL, the scheme is validated, "https" will be added if necessary and it won't open any URL with the "tg" scheme. Compromised accounts: 1,619,544 In February 2021, a series of "free" VPN services were breached including SuperVPN and GeckoVPN, exposing over 20M records. During implementation of a mobile application, developers may apply traditional techniques for IPC (such as using shared files or network sockets). They are specified in the Info.plist file of the app under the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key. Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Ethnicities, Genders, Names, Physical attributes In October 2018, the Polish e-commerce website suffered a data breach. Multi-Touch gestures, onscreen keyboards, and voice control let people perform actions and accomplish meaningful tasks while theyre on the go. The following steps should work even when targeting an encrypted binary. Breach date: 10 July 2011 The exposed data included a total of 101 million unique email addresses, most belonging to recipients of invitations. Compromised accounts: 22,281,337 Breach date: 14 March 2017 Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames Permalink. The breach exposed extensive personal data on both students and staff including 547 thousand unique email addresses, names, dates of birth, genders, social security numbers, ethnicities and other academic related data attributes. The breach exposed over 2.7M records and contained almost 1.3M unique customer email addresses. Compromised accounts: 1,301,460 WebThe Shortcuts app lets you quickly perform everyday tasks in your most commonly used apps. Data matching that pattern was later provided to Have I Been Pwned by @akshayindia6 and included almost 1.3m unique email addresses, genders, ages and plain text passwords. Cache data can be used for any data that needs to persist longer than temporary data, but not as long as a support file. Back Tap requires iPhone8 or later with iOS14 or later. Compromised accounts: 77,449,341 A further 3 million accounts were obtained and added to HIBP several days after the initial data was loaded bringing the total to over 5 million. applicationContext: TelegramUI.TelegramApplicationContext, navigationController: Display.NavigationController?, dismissInput: () -> ()) -> ()", '- initWithActivityItems:applicationActivities:', " size {571, 264} orientation 0 scale 1.000000", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsOpenInPlaceKey, UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey, "iGoat://?contactNumber=123456789&message=hola", URLContextOSSSbAA012PresentationK0CAA0a11ApplicationM0C7Display010NavigationO0CSgyyctF, // __handlers__/__AppDelegate_application_openUR_3679fadc.js, "TelegramUI.openExternalUrl(account, url, presentationData,", "applicationContext, navigationController, dismissInput)", 8144 ms -[UIApplication _applicationOpenURLAction: 0x1c44ff900 payload: 0x10c5ee4c0 origin: 0x0], 8145 ms | -[AppDelegate application: 0x105a59980 openURL: 0x1c46ebb80 options: 0x1c0e222c0], 8145 ms | application: , 8145 ms | openURL: tg://resolve?domain=fridadotre. In December 2017, the website for purchasing Counter-Strike skins known as Open CS:GO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) suffered a data breach (address since redirects to Compromised data: Browser user agent details, Credit card CVV, Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Partial credit card data, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Purchases The data was provided to HIBP by The data was subsequently put up for sale on a dark web marketplace in February 2019 alongside a raft of other breaches. Permalink. A hackable text editor for the 21st Century. Breach date: 5 September 2018 Compromised accounts: 1,298,651 Many of the hidden items are system- or app-specific resources that users cannot (or should not) access directly. In March 2020, a massive trove of personal information referred to as "Lead Hunter" was provided to HIBP after being found left exposed on a publicly facing Elasticsearch server. Permalink. In approximately November 2016, the search engine optimisation management company RankWatch exposed a Mongo DB with no password publicly whereupon their data was exfiltrated and posted to an online forum. Compromised data: Email addresses Permalink. Permalink. Compromised accounts: 265,410 When notified about the incident, GoldSilver advised that "all affected customers have been directly notified". In November 2014, the acne website suffered a data breach that exposed over 430k forum members' accounts. Permalink. Compromised accounts: 1,749,806 Breach date: 1 January 2016 The contents of this directory are not backed up by iTunes or iCloud. Date added to HIBP: 28 December 2016 Permalink. Date added to HIBP: 3 March 2019 Date added to HIBP: 17 February 2021 Date added to HIBP: 18 August 2022 The breach exposed names, email addresses, government issued IDs and passwords stored as unsalted SHA-1 hashes. Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames The network domain contains resources such as apps and documents that are shared among all users of a local area network. Date added to HIBP: 24 May 2020 Breach date: 1 January 2016 In May 2017, the education platform Edmodo was hacked resulting in the exposure of 77 million records comprised of over 43 million unique customer email addresses. Access control lists are a set of fine-grained controls that define exactly what can and cannot be done to a file or directory and by whom. Open iCloud app. If an update prompt is given, verify if you can still use the application by canceling the prompt or otherwise circumventing it through normal application usage. Permalink. Markdown preview using marked, highlight.js, mermaid, node-emoji and live reload. Date added to HIBP: 30 November 2013 Compromised accounts: 1,107,034 A full write-up on what data was found is in the blog post titled Inside the Massive 711 Million Record Onliner Spambot Dump. Permalink. Only a small number of accounts included email addresses and / or passwords stored as bcrypt hashes with a total of 66.5k unique email addresses being exposed across the corpus of data. The procedure for exploiting the functions starts with producing a JavaScript payload and injecting it into the file that the app is requesting. Compromised data: Email addresses, Email messages Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Geographic locations, Historical passwords, Instant messenger identities, IP addresses, Passwords, Private messages, Usernames, Website activity Breach date: 1 July 2016 The data was provided to HIBP by whitehat security researcher and data analyst Adam Davies. YAGR is yet another GitBook reader for desktop. Permalink. In contrast to Android, where each app runs on its own user ID, iOS makes all third-party apps run under the non-privileged mobile user. Permalink. Compromised accounts: 77,159,696 This is a minimal Markdown Editor desktop app based on Electron. Almost 5.2 million accounts were impacted by the incident which exposed emails addresses, usernames and passwords stored as salted SHA-1 hashes. Mock, document, and test your way to API nirvana. Permalink. Minimal macOS application allowing Google Earth View images to be seamlessly used as a wallpaper. Compromised data: Age groups, Email addresses, Employers, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Website activity The breach was self-submitted to HIBP and included 266k email addresses, names, genders, phone numbers and other personal information. The IP and email addresses, usernames and either bcrypt or salted MD5 password hashes of 291k members were accessed via an unpatched vulnerability in the vBulletin forum software. Impacted data also included usernames and passwords, most of which appeared circulating in the breached file in plain text after being cracked from salted MD5 hashes. Date added to HIBP: 31 March 2022 Compromised data: Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Usernames, Website activity When writing code, assume that files on any volume other than the boot volume could be located on a network-based server. As already seen in "Triggering Universal Links", you may use the Notes app and long press the links you've written in order to test custom URL schemes. In approximately 2011, an alleged breach of the dating website Zoosk began circulating. In October 2018, the internet television service Pluto TV suffered a data breach which was then shared extensively in hacking communities. In total, there were 711 million unique email addresses, many of which were also accompanied by corresponding passwords. The breached data was found being regularly traded online and included usernames, email and IP addresses and MD5 passwords. For what concerns this section we will learn about: As we have seen above in "Testing How WebViews are Loaded", if "scenario 2" of the WKWebViews is loaded, the app will do so by calling URLForResource:withExtension: and loadHTMLString:baseURL. You can analyze the app's data directory on a non-jailbroken iOS device by using third-party applications, such as iMazing. A small subset of the exposed fields were provided to Have I Been Pwned and contained 132 million unique email addresses. Date added to HIBP: 6 April 2020 Amongst the customer data was passwords stored with a weak MD5 hashing algorithm and no salt. The second matches all Objective-C classes. Compromised accounts: 13,258,797 Breach date: 1 July 2012 Permalink. Date added to HIBP: 22 April 2021 The breach exposed 41.5GB of data including email and physical addresses, names, genders, phone numbers and password hashes. Lightning fast, beautiful and free font manager for designers, Financial data analytics tool for businesses. Breach date: 8 May 2014 Breach date: 27 March 2020 The data included usernames, email addresses, purchases and passwords stored as MD5 hashes. The Codables can easily be encoded / decoded into various representations: NSData using NSCoding/NSSecureCoding, JSON, Property Lists, XML, etc. In Safari on iOS, telephone number detection is on by default. Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Names, Password strengths, Passwords The data breach exposed usernames, IP and email addresses and passwords stored as MD5 hashes. The compromised vBulletin forum exposed 569k million email addresses, IP address, usernames and passwords stored as salted MD5 hashes. Note that the openURL:options:completionHandler: method is not only used to open universal links but also to call custom URL schemes. Compromised data: Email addresses, Names, Passwords, Physical addresses, Purchases, Usernames The exposed records included names, both work and personal email addresses, job titles and links to the individuals' LinkedIn profiles. Permalink. Compromised data: Dates of birth, Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "". They may be required for the app to properly function but the data being handled by those tasks might not be properly protected. Breach date: 1 January 2017 Compromised data: Browser user agent details, Dates of birth, Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Purchases, Usernames Breach date: 26 January 2021 Date added to HIBP: 24 March 2020 Instead, use the NSUserDefaults class or CFPreferences API to get and set preference values for your app. Breach date: 1 February 2014 The local domain does not correspond to a single physical directory, but instead consists of several directories on the local boot (and root) volume. Basecamp is everything teams need to manage projects in one place. You cannot write to this directory. The breach exposed 376k unique email addresses along with names, phone numbers, physical addresses, gun purchases, partial credit card data, dates of birth and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes. Date added to HIBP: 4 April 2019 Compromised data: Browser user agent details, Chat logs, Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Purchases Discover hundreds of production applications built with Electron. The list was broadly circulated and used for "credential stuffing", that is attackers employ it in an attempt to identify other online systems where the account owner had reused their password. Permalink. Permalink. Compromised accounts: 11,657,763 Your app is generally responsible for managing the contents of this directory and for adding and deleting files as needed. When contacted about the incident, Vedantu advised that they were aware of the breach and were in the process of informing their customers. Used as a chat engine on websites, the leaked data included usernames, email and IP addresses along with hashed passwords. Its faster, better organized, and more secure than email. Release 2017-03-10. The incident exposed extensive personal information including names and usernames, email and IP addresses, genders, birth dates and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes. Compromised accounts: 52,578,183 The data was collected as part of Exactis' service as a "compiler and aggregator of premium business & consumer data" which they then sell for profiling and marketing purposes. In July 2016, the anime site Funimation suffered a data breach that impacted 2.5 million accounts. Breach date: 25 August 2018 There are a couple of things that we can do in the static analysis. HIBP identified over 917k unique email address patterns in the data set, including message IDs and a number of other non-user addresses. You can exclude files from the backup by calling -[NSURL setResourceValue:forKey:error:] using the NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey key. A sidebar enables app navigation and provides quick access to top-level collections of content in your app or game. Compromised accounts: 7,687,679 Date added to HIBP: 23 February 2016 Date added to HIBP: 28 June 2016 The exposed data included names, email addresses, phone numbers, profile photos, partial credit card data (type and last 4 digits) and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes, all of which was subsequently shared extensively throughout online hacking communities. Permalink. Compromised accounts: 5,081,689 Date added to HIBP: 12 August 2019 Date added to HIBP: 4 April 2015 Breach date: 8 October 2016 The breach contained 24 million unique email addresses alongside extensive personal information including genders, sexualities, dates of birth, physical attributes such as height and weight, religions, ethnicities and political views. Some network file systems provide only a summarized version of this information. Web browser build for users who want a different experience. Breach date: 2 December 2016 Date added to HIBP: 28 May 2020 PropTiger advised they believe the usability of the data is "limited" due to how certain data attributes were generated and stored. In late 2011, data was allegedly obtained from the Chinese website known as and contained 8.7M accounts. Breach date: 8 October 2021 Breach date: 20 June 2020 Date added to HIBP: 9 March 2020 The incident was reported 7 months later after a security researcher discovered the data and contacted MyHeritage. Compromised accounts: 49,038,354 Compromised accounts: 28,364,826 CoinMarketCap has provided the following statement on the data: "CoinMarketCap has become aware that batches of data have shown up online purporting to be a list of user accounts. Compromised accounts: 2,660,295 This would allow access to all files within the sandbox or even to escape the sandbox with full access to the file system (if the device is jailbroken). The source data contained IP and email addresses, usernames and salted MD5 hashes. Impacted data includes names, phone numbers, physical addresses, purchase histories and salted password hashes. Breach date: 28 April 2018 Display real-time trends of Chinese funds in the menubar. Breach date: 27 July 2017 Date added to HIBP: 24 April 2016 Compromised accounts: 777,769 Create WebGL virtual tours from 3D models. Date added to HIBP: 18 May 2017 Compromised accounts: 1,274,070 Date added to HIBP: 11 February 2019 Permalink. Whilst the source of the breach is not clear, many confirmed the credentials were valid for Tesco and indeed they have a history of poor online security. Permalink. Russian America was contacted about the breach but did not respond. Breach date: 25 April 2014 Breach date: 6 August 2018 No long-running background tasks are allowed but uploads or downloads can be initiated. In June 2014, the torrent site Sumo Torrent was hacked and 285k member records were exposed. Modern, efficient and multi-platform GUI for ETCD. Custom Keyboard: replaces the iOS system keyboard with a custom keyboard for use in all apps. Compromised accounts: 23,165,793 Breach date: 14 July 2020 This directory contains the list of computers in the local area network. Compromised data: Email addresses, Names, Passwords, Physical addresses Compromised data: Credit status information, Dates of birth, Education levels, Email addresses, Ethnicities, Family structure, Financial investments, Genders, Home ownership statuses, Income levels, IP addresses, Marital statuses, Names, Net worths, Occupations, Personal interests, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Religions, Spoken languages Run npm install to install all the necessary dependencies. Compromised accounts: 24,500,011 In August 2016, the Epic Games forum suffered a data breach, allegedly due to a SQL injection vulnerability in vBulletin. Breach date: 26 December 2018 A file system handles the persistent storage of data files, apps, and the files associated with the operating system itself. Permalink. In December 2018, the photo sharing social network Fotolog suffered a data breach that exposed 16.7 million unique email addresses. Date added to HIBP: 5 August 2022 Compromised accounts: 5,788,169 The data in the breach contained a wide range of personal attributes including usernames, birth dates, genders and home addresses along with unsalted MD5 hashes and 25 million unique email addresses. efficient mail client for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Open-source screenshot utility that lives in your menubar. Permalink. Breach date: 14 August 2020 Permalink. Date added to HIBP: 1 February 2014 Permalink. Compromised accounts: 593,427,119
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