Correct Answers: -Many Latinos are too young to vote. lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. Under the terms of the Twenty-fifth Amendment, while the vice president is serving as acting president. An employee who joins an organization at work would be considered a member of a(n) __________, whereas an individual who wants to champion a particular issue like protecting the oceans would join a(n) __________. If Albert volunteers for a presidential campaign immediately after reading about the spoils system, what motivated him to get involved? -They try to Discuss how policy initiatives and executive orders promoted by the president often lead to conflict with the congressional agenda. In what type of organization do local chapters have the MOST power? The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees that defendants have the right to a public and speedy trial, as well as to: The notion of ___________ suggests that an individual can only be subjected to one prosecution or punishment for a single offense in the same jurisdiction. Which of the following statements is true regarding the Supreme Court. Runoff elections are usually found in combination with what other election rule? When a president contends that his or her discussions, decisions, and documents can be shielded from, Which executive branch organization is most directly responsible for helping the president achieve. Which is true about the insanity defense? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like b. it is reciprocal, a reciprocal exchange in which two or more people read, react, and respond to each other, d. all of the answers are correct and more. c. a desire to return a society to its premodern roots. _____________ specifies the fundamental civil liberties to which Americans are entitled. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. When it comes to gender and public opinion, which statement is accurate? Political ideologies are best compared by examining them as a spectrum of ideas. What policy area is the president most likely to get the policy they want? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like True or False? The second party system ultimately split over the issue of. Which president sought to implement the "New Deal"? Nearly half of the population in the South was African American when the Civil War began in 1861. The government finds out that you are about to run a story detailing sensitive government information, so it sues you to prevent you from publishing it. What is a major reason peer-to-peer file-sharing remains extraordinarily resilient to shutdown attempts? to challenge the "separate but equal" doctrine. Republicans captured most statewide offices in Texas for the first time in ________. shouting "fire" in a crowded movie theater. 331 Representatives favor it, along with 71 Senators. Which of the following statements about the growth of the Republican Party in Texas are accurate? Because of the difficulty involved in traveling around the kingdom, the national government does little except collect a few taxes and maintain the roads. 19 terms. Which chamber of Congress garners greater media attention? What is the constitutional basis of selective incorporation? they swung too far in the direction of limited national government. What is the MOST important method campaigns use today in America? Analyze Information What could happen if it is a concurrent jurisdiction situation and the plaintiff files in the State court, rather than in a federal court? districts are approximately equal in population. Which minority group was the last to get the right to vote? Why was the Brown v. Board of Education case filed? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like To qualify as a member of the planter class, a person had to be engaged in southern agriculture and: a.own at least ten slaves. Why is there so much debate over the meaning of the Second Amendment? Executive privilege is an absolute power under the Constitution. Number of moles of a compound in the reaction. ", a congressional committee investigates an agency after a whistleblower said the group was wasting tax dollars. illegally or unconstitutionally acquired evidence cannot be used in a trial. The number of things the federal government is involved in has increased. The wording of the right to bear arms is ambiguous and open to interpretation. Texas shifted from a Democratic-dominated state to a Republican-dominated state because Texan voters adopted a far more conservative ideology., Place the following party organization in order from the lowest level of temporary party organization to the highest level of temporary party Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Theories of religion - Applying Material from Item A and your knowledge, evaluate the claim that religion performs an ideological function in the interests of powerful groups. The idea that national laws take precedence over state laws should the two conflict is found in which constitutional clause? Sasha says she is in favor of it. Which house of Congress did the Founders envision as being the more responsible one, with the greater concern about national, rather than local, interests? The extension of the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to make binding on state governments the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights is called: Which of the following statements regarding searches, seizures, and stops is true? What is MOST likely to be a violation of the free exercise clause? forcing government employees to work on their days of worship. 75% average accuracy. A belief that one has an obligation to participate in civic and political affairs is known as: News coverage that focuses on who is ahead rather than on the issues is known as: A more or less consistent set of beliefs about policies the government ought to pursue is known as: There are ____ members of the US House of Representatives. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like cybernetics, Netscape Navigator, ensure secure and resilient communication and coordination of military activities and more. (20 marks), Religion and social change - Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate the extent to which religious beliefs can be The public often holds a single, unified opinion. Correct Answers: -increased levels of rhetoric and hyperbole as politicians attempt to be seen as strong by party voters. Which constitutional amendment would be most helpful as you prepare your case? conflict is inevitable, but most people do not like it. What is the BEST way to describe "fundamentals" in American elections? As a result, these ideologies tend to be very similar: Almost everyone in the United States, for example, believes in limited government, the free market, and individual liberty. This notion posits that human beings are willings to surrender some of their freedoms to be protected from those whose unfettered exercise of freedom harms others. The powers of Congress are entailed in __________ of the US Constitution. interest group members contacting their elected officials. Which term identifies the gathering of party members who voted in the party's primary for the purpose of electing delegates to the county or district convention? Ideology and party identification are largely consistent over time. ___________ are shorthand ways of providing voters with information and cues about candidates' positions based on their party. What type of primary has the fewest number of eligible voters? the establishment clause and the free exercise clause. Voters tend to utilize them a great deal, even if it is not always fair to do so. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. C) control. The way judges are selected varies from state to state but many states use a hybrid of appointment and elections called the ------------------- -------------------- to select and retain judges. election by delegates to the state convention. fsu communications major requirements. what was the biggest problem with the articles of confederation? Which is the last committee to convene in the conventional legislative process? Review Supreme Court cases, study key amendments, and reflect on how the founders intentions and debates continue to influence politics in the Unite States today. State constitutions tend to include more/expanded protections of rights than those included in the U.S. Constitution. Transfer the written information from the lessons in this topic to a visual format by creating a graphic organizer that summarizes and explains the executive branch 's role in setting international trade policy. there is less likely to be electoral consequences for legislators supporting them. Groups with headquarters, often in Washington, D.C., and with members and field offices throughout the country are known as __________. conservatism political ideology. in a large mansion. The Big Fish Co; Apparel & Accessories Catalog A judge fails to adhere to the exclusionary rule, Miranda rights advise an individual of the Fifth Amendment's protection from. This is an argument in favor of which branch or level of government growing more powerful? He can ask the Supreme Court for its opinion to save Congress the time of passing an unconstitutional law., Among the following examples which is The idea that an accused cannot be criminally responsible if the crime was the result of mental disease or mental defect is known as the: The main purpose of the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 was: The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution are also known as: Procedures criminal justice professionals must follow in enforcement, adjudication, and corrections are __________ law. The president has the constitutional authority to make treaties with other nations, subject to the agreement of, The founding fathers envisioned a presidency that would, The cabinet department responsible for making foreign policy and handling treaty negotiations is, The Office of Management and Budget is comprised of, The organization and importance of the White House staff depend on, A presidential veto of legislation passed by Congress. The requirement that a state or locality match federal money is most common with: What changes have occurred in the lobbying environment over the past three or four decades. Which type of defense focuses an individual's action being socially acceptable under the circumstances despite causing a harm that violates criminal law? __________ is made up of politicians who were elected as candidates of a party, whereas __________ involves the structure of national, state, and local parties, including party leaders and workers. To decrease sample error, a pollster must __________ the number of respondents. white households on average have far more wealth than minority households. Who below is ineligible for a presidential pardon? The collection of websites unindexed by search engines on the internet is referred to as ___________, Which one of the following actions are classified as "computer-focused crimes", William Gibson (1984) introduced "cyberspace to the popular lexicon through his novel _______________. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like lesson 11, Read the sentence. A. Racial minorities and women getting the right to vote in the 19th and 20th centuries, Culture wars are typically fought over religious and moral issues. Which statement BEST characterizes the nature of political action committees and 527s? Which of the following is NOT a coalition of voters generally loyal to the Democratic Party? Do you think it is accurate to label maintaining a successful monetary policy a "balancing act"? a requirement that states must comply with a federal policy but will receive no financial help in order to do so. An ideology is a philosophy concerning the design, functions, and goals of government. How many states must approve a constitutional amendment in order to ratify it into law? stop-and-frisk programs that disproportionately target black men. political ideology encompasses an array of subjects such as abortion, guns rights, marijuana legalization, etc. What most clearly demostrates that political process matters? Congress's bicameral structure reflects an attempt to reconcile which competing interests of the early nation? These individuals may not be the most competent at their jobs. when both the House and the Senate are controlled by Republicans. When the state borrows money to acquire or improve land, waterways, property, highways, and buildings, or to provide educational facilities and libraries, the term of the debt instrument may not exceed how many years? The president appoints individuals to hold roughly __________ executive branch positions, roughly ___________ percent of which much be confirmed by the Senate. Concurrent powers may only be exercised by the federal government, not the states. Congressman Ramsey votes for a farming bill that Congressman Walcott cares about in exchange for Congressman Walcott voting for a housing bill that Congressman Ramsey supports. John Lewis, a representative from Georgia, has become an expert on civil rights. the fact that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidental election despite the fact that received more votes that donald trump reflects which key idea of politics? we often learn about politics from each other. After more evidence surfaces, it attempts to prosecute Mary and Bob again. If a particular legislator is wavering on a close vote, who will party leaders likely send to his office to try to persuade him to vote their way? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like basic principles that shape a person's opinions about issues and events (The political values of liberty, equality of opportunity, and democracy are widely held by Americans. electors from each state who cast ballots for president and vice president. a. a marine recruit and his instructor at boot camp b. a married couple c. a coach and her soccer team d. a teacher and his students e. a car salesperson and her potential customer. Issues of trade are often difficult for women to understand so they should not worry about policymaking in this area. As commander-in-chief, the president has day-to-day control over military operations, including the authority to put troops into action without congressional consent. According to Holmes, what is one of the key reasons totalitarianism is seen as a phenomenon that is distinctive to the 20th century. A. Some people justify discrimination on the grounds that certain groups should be denied equal rights for their own good. Which of the following is the likely explanation for what caused the disappearance of La Raza Unida? someone who has been impeached by Congress. separating religion and government in social life. Which correctly completes the sentence?, Which best evaluates how humanist ideas introduced by the Renaissance changed European society? [47] What is the explanation for why the political clout of Latinos tends to be lower than that of African-Americans? the current officeholder, running for reelection, A candidate's efforts to mobilize voters all come together on Election Day through his or her, A citizen's judgment of an officeholder's job performance since the last election is called. Under which regime would a Democratic president MOST likely veto a bill? Match the type of election process or district to its description. Candidates have __________ control over election outcomes; however, their races are also heavily influenced by __________. If an interest group conducts research and writes a report to share with Congress, it is using what kind of resource? ), non-White racial and ethnic groups-Democrats business owners-Republicans religious and it is easier to get on the general election ballot as a major-party candidate. Imagine the hypothetical kingdom of Gondor. What did Dan Patrick's victory in the 2014 lieutenant governor's race say about the Texas Republican Party? Which president wanted to increase the number of Supreme Court justices from nine to fifteen? Some civil liberties are rooted in the ___________ clause of the Fourteenth Amendment; the grounding for civil rights is found in the ______________ clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Super PACs can raise unlimited sums from unlimited sources, with what limitation? more likely than whites to be convicted of the same crime and serve longer sentences once convicted. party primary, precinct convention, county/district convention, state convention. the amount of money the group takes in and spends. In late 2015, President Obama struck a climate change deal in Paris with many countries around the world. According to Merton (1938), which of the five adaptations of strain describe individuals who accept both the institutionally approved goals and means? Written false statements that damage a person's reputation are known in legal terms as. Table of contents for Political ideologies. We often say that the states are laboratories of democracy, which allows for experimentation on a local level with policies that might later be adopted by the national government. An open-seat election is one in which ___________. The winner of the general election for president is NOT necessarily the person who receives. Who was the last Democrat to win the majority of the white Southern vote? How has the Internet affected news for the average American? Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, political scientists typically viewed If you were a judge and a case came before you involving civil rights, which amendment of the Constitution would you reach for first in making your ruling? -tends to grow out of economic educational and social conditions or experiences. Interest group lobbying is heavily regulated by the federal government. were known as: Enduring minor parties (third parties) have typically been single-issue parties. Who was the first woman to serve as Speaker of the House? African American candidates for office have had the most success winning elections for statewide office. What BEST defines selective incorporation? States can only gain seats in the House of Representatives; they can never lose seats. This is an example of what type of federalism? Substantive representation focuses on ________. Nationally, liberalism is characterized by social values and societal needs. Which of the following statements most accurately summarizes presidential power? The bulk of talk radio audiences listen to hosts who express: When the media tells people what to think about, this is known as: When the media tells people how to think about an issue, this is known as: Julian Assange is best known for his association with which website? Grand juries are used to determine whether: The right to counsel in felony cases was applied to the states in the landmark case of: The unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or a theft is the definition of: The taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force of violence and/or by putting the victim in fear is the definition of: The causal relationship between an act and the harm suffered is referred to as: The case deciding that the protections of the Bill of Rights apply only to actions of the federal government was: The case deciding that an attorney must be provided to a poor defendant facing the death penalty was: The cruel and unusual test proposed by Justice Warren maintained that punishments may be declared unconstitutional if the punishment: Accidents are the clearest examples of which legal principle?
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