Hopefully, I have covered all the details needed for CRUD operations related to Azure Blob storage. Lets continue with the client application by modifying the OIDC configuration to support roles scope: So, we want to allow Create, Edit, Details, and Delete actions only to users with the Admin role. params: HttpParams: Read-Only. Open your command prompt and create a new application using Angular cli ng new command. Angular/RxJS When should I unsubscribe from `Subscription`, Angular 4 HttpModule How to Return a File From Get Request, Angular (5) httpclient observe and responseType: 'blob', Exporting data to csv file in angular typescript, Open PDF in new tab, saving file gives wrong file name. 2. The providerId must be a valid supported provider identifier string. We can install these libraries using npm command. The @angular/material and @angular/cdk libraries provide components based on Googles Material Design, @angular/animations is used to provide smooth transitions, and @angular/flex-layout gives you the tools to make your design responsive.. Next, create the HTML template for the app component. Note that the responseType options value is a String that identifies the single data type of the response. Public repositories offer customization scripts for all sorts of websites, but it's also pretty easy to write your own. But can we protect our endpoints with roles as well? SOLID Principles in C#; ASP.NET Core Web API Best Practices; Top REST API Best Practices; Angular Development Best Practices; 10 Things You Should Avoid in Your ASP.NET Core Controllers; C# Series. Thats because we didnt map it to our claims. permission to access the requested Authentication resource. perform the desired action. The value of the