Prerequisite: permission of the chair of the department and sophomore classification in civil engineering. CVEG3303. Consideration of vehicle and road user characteristics in roadway design, including horizontal and vertical alignments, intersections, interchanges, and roadway cross-section and right-of-way considerations. Examples of analysis of errors in measurements; application of surveying data to engineering design using GIS and 3-D models. INFRASTRUCTURE EVALUATION, MAINTENANCE, AND RENEWAL. CE5322. Vector algebra; composition and resolution of forces; equivalence of force couple systems; equilibrium of force systems acting on particles, and force - couple systems acting on rigid bodies, and systems of rigid bodies; internal forces in rigid bodies; shear and moment diagrams; centroids and moments of inertia; frictional forces. CE5387. Includes slope stability, conventional and reinforced earth retaining walls, excavation bracing, and sheet pile wharf structures. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE2311; Grade of C or better in MATH2425. Prerequisite: CE 4347. CE5320. Pursued lifelong learning, professional development, and licensure as appropriate for their career goals. To learn more about course requirements view program details in our current catalog see our most recent suggested course sequence Basic principles of surveying data collection, analysis, and application. Civil Engineering Elective . CES 4702 Analysis and Design in Reinforced Concrete 3 Credits. Undergraduate Catalog Advanced Engineering Ceramics Certificate Aerospace Engineering Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals and Applications Certificate Biological Engineering Biomaterials Certificate Biomechanics Minor Biomedical Engineering Biomolecular Engineering Minor CE 194. Micah Hale Students who are not making satisfactory degree progress as described above will have a hold on their registration and are required to meet with their advisor to develop an academic plan. Some CIS courses may also count toward a students major or minor. CE6306. CEE 2834 : Civil Engineering Drawings and Virtual Modeling. 3 Hours. Physical properties of wood, analysis and design of timber connections. Not all courses are offered every semester, so students who deviate from the suggested sequence must pay careful attention to course scheduling and course prerequisites. Traffic laws, motorist communication by means of traffic control devices, and the design and operation of both fixed time and actuated traffic signals at intersections. Students will learn how to make modifications to the basic code for their own applications. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring). Urban transportation system design, planning, transportation modeling, economic theory, travel demand and travel estimation techniques. Prerequisite: Completion of all required 3000 level courses and admission to the CE Professional Program. CE4291. Laboratory exercises demonstrating the principles and practices of surveying systems. Aquifer restoration strategies. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE2311; grade of C or better in MATH2425. An in-depth study of the properties of constituent materials for asphalt concrete mixtures. Lectures will focus on the advances in the design and technology of cement based materials, with particular emphasis on the evolution of nanotechnology in construction. Students will develop an understanding of the elements of proposals, reports, construction drawings, and specifications. Use of spreadsheet and word processor software in solving civil engineering problems and presenting solutions. The course will cover 1) general overview on the standard, regulations, and goals of drinking water quality, 2) detailed discussion of the theory, design, and operation of advanced physical and chemical unit processes, including but not limited to, sorption, centrifugation, osmotic pressure, membrane separation, chemical oxidation and advanced oxidation, UV technology, and disinfection, and 3) post treatment issues. Topics include fluid properties, fluid statics, continuity, energy and hydraulic gradients, fundamentals of flow in pipes and open channels. Construction Management. Subgrade preparation. These courses carries one of the required two global-studies designations (see below) (click, Core Integration Seminar (DEPT 432, 3 credits). 3 Hours. Credit not granted for both CE4365 and CE5307. This course covers stress-strain and stability behavior of porous particulate soil. INTRODUCTION TO AIR POLLUTION. CE5326. CVEG2113. 1 Hour. CE2191. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. CE5394. CVEG3131L. Pavement inventory; condition and structural evaluation techniques; serviceability concepts; deterioration modeling; maintenance vs. rehabilitation vs. reconstruction; economic considerations, selection of project alternatives and life cycle cost analysis. The nature and properties of materials used in civil engineering such as structural metals, concrete, timber, and bituminous materials. Credit not granted for both CE4305 and CE5388. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. Concepts of stress and strain; stress-strain relationships. Development and analysis of mathematical models in transportation. Use of Gaussian dispersion modeling software. CE6391. Humanities and social science electives are selected from courses approved by the university which satisfy the University General Education Curriculum and the Arkansas State Minimum Core requirements. INTRODUCTION TO SOLID WASTE ENGINEERING. Evaluation of earthquake vulnerability of existing structures and rehabilitation of seismic deficiencies. The theory and design of water treatment processes. 3 Hours. Planning, analysis of alternatives, and designs of selected projects that cross various civil engineering disciplines, and include engineering standards and multiple realistic constraints. Prerequisite: CE5327. Flexibility method; finite elements modeling and optimization of idealized structures. Civil engineering projects range from small to monumental and include public water systems, buildings, bridges, rail and highway networks, water and wastewater treatment plants, solid and hazardous waste disposal facilities, airports, and soil conservation and flood diversion controls. CVEG4863. Principles of forces and force systems, resultants and components of force systems, forces due to friction, condition of equilibrium, forces acting on members of trusses and frame structures, centroids and moments of inertia, review of kinematics and kinetics of particle motion, and two-dimensional motion of rigid bodies. CE4335. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: CE3343. Topics include regulations, air pollution sources, health effects, meteorology, and the theory and design of control techniques. Credit will not be granted for both CE4313 and CE5331. 3 Hours. Civil Engineering Basic Science Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00 (satisfies Science, Technology & Society for core) General Education Electives (18 credits) URBAN TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING. PRESTRESSED CONCRETE. Contributors to the solution of complex engineering projects as they apply knowledge of fundamental science and engineering design principles. Pipeline systems asset management, inventory, inspection, and life cycle costs. 3 Hours. 3 Hours. EXPERIMENTAL SOIL MECHANICS. Prerequisite: MATH2554 or MATH2445. CONCRETE BRIDGE DESIGN AND EVALUATION. Seyedali AbolmaaliProfessor and Department Chair, Anand PuppalaProfessor and Associate Dean, Jim Leininger Senior Lecturer and Associate Chair, 2022 The University of Texas at Arlington. CE5375. Students who do not complete all graduation requirements while enrolled in this course must enroll in a minimum of 6 dissertation hours (6699 or 6999) in their graduation term. CE5314. Topics covered include: watersheds, precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, discharge calculations, hydrographs, river and reservoir routing, and drainage design including sanitary and storm sewer design and reservoir sizing. Site selection, energy and water efficiency, material reuse and indoor air quality. May be repeated for credit when topic changes. The associated course must be taken at the same time as the design project elective. 3 Hours. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOTECHNOLOGY. Designations are embedded within already existing core, major, minor, and elective courses. Whitetopping and ultra-thin whitetopping. 1 Credit. Topics in construction management and project administration, such as project delivery system, documentation and specification, electronic project administration, construction safety, risk allocation and liability sharing, changes and extra work, claims and disputes, and project closeout. . Credit not granted for both CE4361 and CE5312. Deflections and elastic curves, shear and bending moment diagrams for beams, and column theory. Topics include project management, teamwork, obtaining work, regulatory requirements, specifications, issues in design/build, design alternatives, cost estimation, design and construction drawings, contract and construction law, legal issues, ethics and professionalism, design reports, licensure, lifelong learning, ethical and engineering practice organizations. 3 Hours. Relationships of material engineering properties to pavement design and performance. 1 activity. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE2313; Grade of C or better in either CHEM1465 or CHEM1442; Permission of the CE Chair or Admission to the CE Professional Program. Prerequisite: CE5346. 3 Hours. GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF CONSTRUCTION. ADVANCED TOPICS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. Civil engineers may work in private employment or with public agencies. This course provides an overview of the various aspects of integrated municipal solid waste management (with the exception of landfilling, covered in CE5375). CE5367. Print Degree Planner (opens a new window) | Print-Friendly Page (opens a new window) . Prerequisite: CVEG3303. The class will be a combination of lectures and in-class computer-based laboratory exercises. Topics include the study of properties at the nanoscale and how they affect the material's properties at the macro level. Students must also choose one elective course in science, engineering, technology, or math (STEM) from among the following: The Civil Engineering B.S.C.E. Covers structural design of beam columns and building connections. CEE 3104 : Introduction to Environmental Engineering. 3 Hours. The foundation for the course is a quantitative perspective, beginning with Newton's laws of motion and gravity. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: CVEG3243 and senior standing. Graded F, R. Prerequisite: admission to candidacy for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. 3 Hours. CE5345. Dynamic analysis of systems with distributed mass. CE4327. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3334 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Fundamentals of FEM will be introduced including: basic elements, formulation methods, coordinate transformation, and boundary conditions. CEE 3304 : Fluid Mechanics for CEE. UNSATURATED SOIL MECHANICS II. Air Pollution Control. CE4337. CE4322. CVEG4423. Year 2 Theme and Question: Being and Becoming: Who are we and what does it mean to be human? CVEG493VH. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: Senior standing and Civil Engineering majors only. 1 Hour. Develops contaminant fate and transport theory in engineered and natural systems focusing on reactor hydraulics and reaction kinetics. Hydraulic/hydrologic analysis and design of municipal water distribution, stormwater collection, and wastewater collection systems. Prerequisite: Civil Engineering major and senior standing. Topic 2 - Air Pollution Control System Design. 3 Hours. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in CE3210 and CE3311 and Admission to the CE Professional Program. CE6308. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. CVEG4323. 32.5 Hours must be upper-level courses (300-400 level) Grade of 'C' Minimum required for all courses in the major, quantitative studies, and technical electives 25% Of major taken through. Civil engineering engages approximately one out of four engineers. See the list of state minimum core courses available for engineering students. The construction management certificate requires 12 graduate credits (nine credits of core courses and three credits of approved elective courses). 3 Hours. Characterization of earthquakes for design. Prerequisite: CE3361 or equivalent. Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600 2015 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Office of Registrar Need accessibility help? Prerequisite: CE3305 and CE 4328; or consent of instructor. Principles of construction related to construction regulations and standards, loads, fire safety, acoustics, joints and sealants. 3 Hours. Prerequisite: MATH2584 and CHEM1103. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE3311 and admission to the CE Professional Program. Definitions and properties of geotextiles, geogrids, geonets, geocomposites and geomembranes; reinforcement design applications in rigid and flexible pavements, foundations, embankments, slopes and retaining walls; drainage and filtration application designs, AASHTO design criteria; construction methods. Students have demonstrated successful completion of the learning indicators identified for learning outcome 2.1, by meeting the prerequisites for MATH2554. The course covers 4 types of air quality models: box models, photochemical grid models (for ozone and particulate matter), Gaussian dispersion models (major emphasis), and receptor models. Determination of foundation settlements in sand and clay. Service and subcontractor contracts, negotiating tactics and strategies, material pricing; and dispute resolution. 3 Hours. (Typically offered: Irregular), Selection of timber beams, columns, and beam-columns. Overview of an infrastructure management system. Fall. Statistical analysis methods for quality control are also covered. CE5319. Other courses in areas complementary to Civil Engineering, such as biology, ecology, geology, or natural resources, may also be approved. (Typically offered: Irregular)May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit. Principles of water chemistry applied to the theory and design of unit processes including coagulation, precipitation, corrosion, oxidation-reduction, and membrane processes. Topics include loads on temporary structures, shoring, formwork, falsework, scaffolding, bracing, soldier beam and lagging, sheet piling, equipment bridges, and support of existing structures. Prerequisite: CE5330 or equivalent. Topics include material balance, environmental chemistry, risk assessment, air quality, water quality, and water and wastewater treatment. Prerequisite: CVEG3303, INEG2413 and (CVEG4303 or CVEG4313). Basic studies of population dynamics, urban growth, land use, forecasting trip generation and distribution, traffic assignment, mode split, evaluation, simulation models, characteristics of mass transit and other non-auto modes, and system design and evaluation. Introduction and types of ground improvement for different problem soils including soft and expansive soils, shallow and deep soil densification, sand drains and wick drains, chemical modification, chemical binders and mechanisms of ground improvement, different types of grouting, deep mixing, stone columns, soil nailing, ground anchors, geosynthetics, MSE walls, reinforced slopes. CE4368. An integration of topics essential to the practice of civil engineering, including: 1) engineering economics concepts; 2) project management approaches; 3) contract issues and project structures, and 4) general code of conduct of engineers and ethics. 3 Hours. ENGINEERING FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS. Topics covered include: closed conduit flow; pump selection and cavitation; steady, uniform, and gradually varied flow of water in open channels with immobile boundaries and through bridges and culverts; specific energy and transitions; stable channel design; and design hydraulic/stormwater structures. Advanced analysis of indeterminate beams, frames, trusses, arches, and cables. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT ACQUISITION. May be repeated for credit. 3 Hours. Key topics covered include: hydrology of urban watersheds; floodplain management; storm drainage; stormwater detention/retention; water quality improvement; and the design of low impact development best management practices. 2 Hours. Load and Resistance Factor Design and Allowable Stress Design procedures. Professional engineering licensure and the various specializations within civil engineering are covered. INTRODUCTION TO RAILROAD ENGINEERING. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS I. The professional requirements are satisfied by 21 credits of 2000-level or higher courses in engineering, science, mathematics, or statistics, including MENT 5335, OPIM 3801, or up to three credits of ART 3670. Whitetopping and Ultra-Thin Whitetopping. Introduction to pre-tensioned and post-tensioned concrete structures, bonded and unbonded constructions, hardware, stress calculations, section proportioning, flexural design, shear design, prestress losses, deflections, allowable stress, load-balancing, and ultimate strength, design/analysis methods, including: partially prestressed systems shear design, analysis and design of composite beams, design of prestressed concrete bridges. CE5341. CE6315. Fundamentals of construction estimating and scheduling, earned value, value engineering, risk allocations, jobsite management, safety and closeout. 3 Hours. Reading and evaluating specifications, CSI Master Format. Course Descriptions; Course Search; Print Options . Fiber materials, tapes, cloths, resin systems, elastic constants, matrix formulation, theory of failure. This course provides an overview of the various aspects of integrated municipal solid waste management (with the exception of landfilling, covered in CE4323). Solution to discrete systems: steady state problems and propagation problems. CE4363. Students completing the requirements for a degree in civil engineering have a choice of technical electives from six areas: Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, and Construction. Their impacts on the department participates in the class schedule and in some cases may be for. 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