Security:Requires a valid user withdeploypermissions and Bintray credentials defined (for more details, please refer toBintray Settings).Usage: POST /api/bintray/push?descriptor=pathToDescriptorFile[&gpgPassphrase=passphrase][&gpgSign=true\false]Since: 3.5.0Produces: application/json (application/ Can an autistic person with difficulty making eye contact survive in the workplace? Use the Get Repository Configuration API instead.Security: Requires a valid user for a shared remote repository and admin user for anything else. Usage:GET /api/puppet/{repoKey}/v3/modulesSecurity:Requires a privileged user (can be anonymous)Produces:application/json, Description:Returns information about a specific Puppet module.Notes:Requires Artifactory Pro. by default. Supported by local repositories only.From version 6.1, by default, the recalculation process also writes several entries from the CRAN package's metadata as properties on all of the artifacts (based on the control file's content). Using JFrog CLI. Include/Exclude all items with specified paths. The scope is checked and validated - the authenticated principal must have the proper permissions to create a token with the requested scope. Select the repository and folder that you want to deploy to 2. Supported for local, remote and federated repositories only. It will create a bootstrap bundle on the primary node of an Artifactory HA installation that will include all the relevant keys so a new node can access the database and fetch all the relevant configuration files. Hide the progress of Invoke-WebRequest to increase download speed: Download a file from generic Artifactory repository using Windows PowerShell (authentication using API Key in HTTP header): Cool Tip: Download a file using PowerShell! Please refer toOpkg Repositoriesfor more details. Accepts the JSON payload returned from Get Repository Replication Configuration for a single and an array of configurations. Description: Push Docker tag to BintrayCalculation can be synchronous (the default) or asynchronous.Notes:Requires JFrog Container Registry or Artifactory ProSecurity:Requires a valid user withdeploypermissions and Bintray credentials defined (for more details, please refer toBintray Settings).Usage: POST /api/bintray/docker/push/{repoKey}Since: 3.6.0Produces: text/plainSampleOutput: Description:Generates a signed url for the provided repository path, providing temporary access to download artifacts. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. DELETE /api/security/keypair/{keyPairName}. release bundle on a target Artifactory, see, -All the target repositories exist in Artifactory, import?file_name=&dry_run=. If you want to use the + (plus) symbol, set the Requires an admin userUsage: DELETE /api/security/groups/{groupName}Produces: application/textSample Usage: Description: Get the permission targets listSince: 2.4.0Notes: Requires Artifactory Pro. Must comply with ('max-expiry' >= 'default-expiry'). The artifacts from Artifactory can be downloaded using REST API. the expected output should be seen on the web endpoint. "log_content": Moves the existing archives from the wrong location to the correct location (if the system property is enabled). : Synchronize the configuration of a federated member in case of a network malfunction. Learn how to use and configure cURLhere. The time in seconds for which the token will be valid. This endpoint will work only on local and remote repositories. : Converts the Build-Info repository to a federated repository. POST /api/retention/archive/policies/convertToAql, Include or exclude repository and an inner path (one or many), POST /api/retention/archive/policies/{key}/stop. is issued by a Project Admin, only the projects listed under the Project Admin's scope will be listed. Description:Generates an AQL query according to the given search criteria form. Description:Returns all projects the requesting user manages (Project Admin or a user assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' role).Since: 7.17.4Security: Requires a user with Project Admin or a user assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' role. Basic authentication using your username and API Key. Integration versions are determined by therepository layoutof the repositories searched. Scopes are additive (or). xargs -n 1 curl -O < urls-to-download.txt. :Requires a privileged user. For details on handling errors please refer toERROR RESPONSESbelow. Usage of REST resources is subject to security restrictions applicable to each individual resource. [Optional, default: Only the service ID of the Artifactory instance that created the token]. value is not a number, non-positive number, etc. Thepathparameter must be passed for virtual calculation.Please see theYUM integrationdocumentation for more details. Upload a file to generic Artifactory repository using the curl command in Linux. Search: Jenkins Pipeline Artifactory Example. applied-permissions/admin - the scope assigned to admin users. ], If you authenticate with an API key, the encrypted API key will be returned in the response.Security:Requires a privileged userUsage: GET /api/security/encryptedPasswordProduces: plain/textSample Output: Description: Creates a new user in Artifactory or replaces an existing userSince: 2.4.0Notes: Requires Artifactory ProMissing values will be set to the default values as defined by the consumed type.Security: Requires an admin userUsage: PUT /api/security/users/{userName}Consumes:application/json (application/ Usage: Description: Updates an existing user in Artifactory with the provided user details.Since: 2.4.0Notes: Requires Artifactory Pro-Missing values will be set to the default values as defined by the consumed type-To support spaces in the User or Group or Permission names, a Plus symbol ('+')is automatically placed when there is a space. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Administrators can set any scope,while non-admin users canonly create Identity Tokens (user scope). here is my code def uploadSpec = """{ "files": [ . Notes:Requires Artifactory ProSecurity:Requires an admin userUsage:POST api/replications/channels/releaseProduces: application/jsonSince: 6.0.0Sample Usage: Description:Blocks replications globally. Can a character use 'Paragon Surge' to gain a feat they temporarily qualify for? [from=fromVal][&to=toVal][&repos=x[,y]][&dateFields=c[,d]]Parameters: The from and toparameters can be either a long value for the java epoch (milliseconds since the epoch), or an ISO8601 string value. [g=groupId][&a=artifactId][&v=version][&remote=0/1][&repos=x[,y]]Produces:application/json (application/ Whenversionisspecified, e.g. Since it is easy to overwrite configurations, such as a repository's package type, we strongly recommend backing up the configuration before making any direct changes, and taking great care when doing so. When the value is zero - the user's token can be non-expirable and the tokens expiry will not be limited with a higher boundary. Produces: application/scim+json; charset=UTF-8Header parameter: Authorization: BearerSample response: Description: This API will create a single user.Usage: POST /api/v1/scim/v2/UsersConsumes: application/scim+json; charset=UTF-8Sample request: Update currently supports only disabling and re-enabling users. From version 4.8 only requires the set of permissions assumed by Manage (Manage + Delete/Overwrite + Deploy/Cache + Annotate + Read).Usage: POST/api/maven/calculateMetadata/{repoKey}/{folder-path}? cron-basedreplication jobs define via the Artifactory UI on repositories. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Artifactory REST API endpoints can be invoked in any of the standard ways to invoke a RESTful API. [g=groupId][&a=artifactId][&v=version][&remote=1][&repos=x[,y]]Produces:text/plainSampleOutput: Description: Search for artifacts with the latest value in the versionproperty. wildcards which will then filter the final result to match only those who match the given version pattern.Since: 2.6.0Notes: Requires Artifactory ProSecurity:Requires a privileged user (can be anonymous)Usage:GET /api/search/versions? Currently there are three possible scope tokens: member-of-groups:[] - indicates the groups that the token is associated with (e.g. Usage: GET ${baseUrl}/access/api/v1/projectsProduces: application/json; charset=UTF-8Header parameter: -H "Authorization: Bearer "Sample Response: Description: Adds a new Project.Since: 7.17.4Security: Requires a user assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' role.Usage: POST ${baseUrl}/access/api/v1/projectsProduces: application/json; charset=UTF-8Header parameter:Authorization: BearerSample Request: Description:Returns the desired project.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user with Project Admin or a user assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' role.Usage: GET ${baseUrl}/access/api/v1/projects/{project_key}Produces: application/json; charset=UTF-8Header parameter:Authorization: BearerParameters: Description:Updates an existing project's properties.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' role permissions.Usage: PUT ${baseUrl}/access/api/v1/projects/{project_key}Produces: application/jsonParameters: Header parameter:Authorization: BearerSample Request: Description:Deletes an existing project.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user assigned with the Administer the Platform role.Usage: DELETE ${baseUrl}/access/api/v1/projects/{project_key}Produces:application/jsonParameters: Header parameter:Authorization: BearerSample Response: Description:Returns all users associated with the project.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user assigned with the Administer the Platform role or Project Admin permissions if `admin_privileges.manage_resources` is enabled.Usage: GET ${baseUrl}/access/api/v1/projects/{project_key}/usersProduces:application/json; charset=UTF-8Parameters: Description:Returns the requested user associated with the project.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' roleor Project Admin permissions if `admin_privileges.manage_resources` is enabled.Usage: GET ${baseUrl}/access/api/v1/projects/{project_key}/users/{user}Produces:application/json; charset=UTF-8Parameters: Description: Updates a user in a project.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' roleor Project Admin permissions if `admin_privileges.manage_resoures` is enabled.Usage: PUT ${baseUrl}/access/api/v1/projects/{project_key}/users/{user}Produces: application/jsonParameters: Description:Deletes an existing project's user.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' roleor Project Admin permissions if `admin_privileges.manage_resources` is enabled.Usage: DELETE ${baseUrl}/access/api/v1/projects/{project_key}/users/{user}Produces: application/jsonParameters: Description:Returns all groups associated with the project.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' roleor Project Admin permissions if `admin_privileges.manage_resources` is enabled.Usage: GET ${baseUrl}/access/api/v1/projects/{project_key}/groupsProduces: application/json; charset=UTF-8Parameters: Description:Returns the requested group associated with the project.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' roleor Project Admin permissions if `admin_privileges.manage_resources` is enabled.Usage: GET ${baseUrl}/access/api/v1/projects/{project_key}/groups/{group}Produces: application/JSON; charset=UTF-8Parameters: Description:Updates the group in the project.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' roleor Project Admin permissions if `admin_privileges.manage_resources` is enabled.Usage: PUT ${baseUrl}/access/api/v1/projects/{project_key}/groups/{group}Produces: application/JSONParameters: Description:Deletes the existing project group.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' roleor Project Admin permissions if `admin_privileges.manage_resources` is enabled.Usage: DELETE ${baseUrl}/access/api/v1/projects/{project_key}/groups/{group}Produces: application/jsonParameters: Description:Returns all project roles.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' roleor Project Admin permissions if `admin_privileges.manage_resources` is enabled.Usage: GET /v1/projects/{project_key}/rolesProduces: application/json; charset=UTF-8Parameters: Description:Adds a new role to the project.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' roleor Project Admin permissions if `admin_privileges.manage_resoures` is enabled.Usage: POST/v1/projects/{project_key}/rolesProduces: application/jsonParameters: Description:Returns the requested project role.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user with Project Admin or a users assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' role.Usage: GET/v1/projects/{project_key}/roles/{role}Produces: application/json; charset=UTF-8Parameters: Description:Updates an existing project role.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' roleor Project Admin permissions if `admin_privileges.manage_resources` is enabled.Usage: PUT/v1/projects/{project_key}/roles/{role}Produces: application/jsonParameters: Description: Deletes an existing role.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user with assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' roleor Project Admin permissions if `admin_privileges.manage_resource` is enabled.Usage: DELETE/v1/projects/{project_key}/roles/{role}Produces: application/jsonParameters: Description: Moves the project repository to the specified location.Since: 7.17.4Security:Requires a user assigned with the 'Administer the Platform' role.Usage:PUT /v1/projects/_/attach/repositories/{repo_name}/{target_project_key}?force=true/falseProduces: application/jsonParameters: Header parameter:Authorization: BearerSample Request.